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Old 06 October 2018, 14:16   #61
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Never mind all that, what size aux do you have on your RIB?
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Old 06 October 2018, 14:33   #62
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
Never mind all that, what size aux do you have on your RIB?
I left the stinky mop behind the coatstand in the back hall...

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Old 06 October 2018, 15:23   #63
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Originally Posted by John Kennett View Post
Never mind all that, what size aux do you have on your RIB?
I thought it was 370
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Old 06 October 2018, 15:54   #64
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I’ve had 4 RIBs

1st, single inboard, had to be towed down the sound of Mull from Tobermory to Oban, no Aux.

2nd, Single outboard, failed to start due to dodgy battery. Wife (skipper) had to declare a Mayday as we had divers in the water (me), another RIB came to our aid, recovered me & towed us back into harbour. No Aux.

3rd boat, twin outboards ( ultimate Aux setup). Never failed, never had to come home on one engine.

Current boat. Single outboard & no way I can see to fit an Aux. Do I lay awake at night worrying? Nope! Would I fit one if I could? Maybe. I can’t help but feel that having an auxiliary is a bit of an emotional crutch, yes it could save the day in certain circumstances, but it’s not guaranteed to do so. It’s most likely to come into its own in coastal areas, which are more likely to have passing help. 30 miles out in lumpy conditions it will be as much use as a chocolate fire guard.
All IMO naturally.
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Old 06 October 2018, 16:03   #65
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Originally Posted by Dan Gurney View Post
Ffs, it's impossible to ask for info or have a discussion about certain topics on here. This fundamentalist attitude doesn't help anyone.

I'd *like* to use an aux when out solo but I can't figure out a way of doing it. It would be nice to brainstorm ideas on here but it always degenerates into an "I'm right you're wrong" argument!
I somewhat agree - I only asked what size people recommended, not whether it was a good idea to have one (already made that decision). I'm now at the point of unsubscribing from my own thread.
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Old 06 October 2018, 16:29   #66
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Originally Posted by totallydave View Post
.... I'm now at the point of unsubscribing from my own thread.

Nah! Don’t do that. If you bailed out of every thread on Ribnet that went “handbags”, you’d never get anywhere. The argy bargy is half the fun[emoji6]
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Old 06 October 2018, 17:41   #67
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
Nah! Don’t do that. If you bailed out of every thread on Ribnet that went “handbags”, you’d never get anywhere. The argy bargy is half the fun[emoji6]
having just read all 8 I think pages of this I'm wondering if there's a responsible adult monitoring the playground today
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Old 06 October 2018, 18:39   #68
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Originally Posted by beerbelly View Post
having just read all 8 I think pages of this I'm wondering if there's a responsible adult monitoring the playground today

It’s the carer’s day off, they’ve been left home alone. Social services’ll be round soon to administer the Ritalin. [emoji6]
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Old 06 October 2018, 19:11   #69
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Originally Posted by beerbelly View Post
having just read all 8 I think pages of this I'm wondering if there's a responsible adult monitoring the playground today
OK, it wouldn't hurt some people to be a tad more civil but it hasn't quite descended to the levels where the smiting stick is required. I have split the general discussion out from the original "How big do I need" thread though to keep things tidy.

Play nicely
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Old 06 October 2018, 22:17   #70
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Originally Posted by totallydave View Post
I somewhat agree - I only asked what size people recommended, not whether it was a good idea to have one (already made that decision). I'm now at the point of unsubscribing from my own thread.
I have a Pacific 22 and I've bought a 15HP aux although I've yet to use it in anger, practice or anything else.

I've a little SIB that I intend to use as a tender to the Pac 22 and the aux will double up as the outboard for that.

I haven't read all the posts in this thread but I'd never considered the need for an aux in the Solent. When I went up to the Outer Hebrides I felt very vulnerable with one boat, one engine and the family on board hence purchasing an aux.

I accept that it may not allow me to make much headway but if it was enough to keep me out of trouble until help arrived, it would be money well spent.
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Old 07 October 2018, 12:10   #71
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I towed a Bayliner in to Duncan Mills in Loch Lomond....out of petrol.
Two weeks later......the same thing, the same boat.
In conversation with one of the park's rangers, it transpired they had pulled the same boat in the previous week, same thing, out of fuel.
Now, I'd doubt anyone is going to die as a consequence of running out of fuel on Loch Lomond and towing them back to the slip isn't a problem.

What irks is the attitude that, "this is ok".

Every piece of safety equipment is there to serve it's moment.
In Loch Lomond with an engine failure would I trade my life jacket for an AUX,
probably not.
Watching the waves crashing onto the rocks half a mile down wind in the Minch or on the west side of Tiree with an engine failure, would I trade my lifejacket for a second engine..........in a heart beat.
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Old 07 October 2018, 12:24   #72
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Originally Posted by Last Tango View Post
I towed a Bayliner in to Duncan Mills in Loch Lomond....out of petrol.
Two weeks later......the same thing, the same boat.
I'm afraid that it unforgivable............. why anyone would want to boat on loch lomond twice in a month is beyond me, few times a year is plenty. Have a word with yourself.
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Old 07 October 2018, 12:39   #73
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Originally Posted by Last Tango View Post
I towed a Bayliner in to Duncan Mills in Loch Lomond....out of petrol.

Two weeks later......the same thing, the same boat.

In conversation with one of the park's rangers, it transpired they had pulled the same boat in the previous week, same thing, out of fuel.

Now, I'd doubt anyone is going to die as a consequence of running out of fuel on Loch Lomond and towing them back to the slip isn't a problem.

What irks is the attitude that, "this is ok".

Every piece of safety equipment is there to serve it's moment.

In Loch Lomond with an engine failure would I trade my life jacket for an AUX,

probably not.

Watching the waves crashing onto the rocks half a mile down wind in the Minch or on the west side of Tiree with an engine failure, would I trade my lifejacket for a second engine..........in a heart beat.

Anyone who runs out of fuel 3 times in a season is unlikely to have a functioning Aux. That’s an attitude problem not an equipment problem. I’d think that anyone considering fitting an auxiliary, has already gone through the thought processes of dealing with potential failures. Running out of fuel (or not as the case may be) has already been taken care of.
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Old 07 October 2018, 12:44   #74
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That is the entire point of this thread, not advocating an aux AND suggesting plenty of other passing boats is a more suitable option is absolutely an attitude problem. I'm not saying you NEED one but going to sea and using (as fender done) the reasoning there are plenty of other boats about is EXACTLY the same as this twat from loch lomond
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Old 07 October 2018, 12:58   #75
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The "auxilliary or not?" argument

Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
That is the entire point of this thread, not advocating an aux AND suggesting plenty of other passing boats is a more suitable option is absolutely an attitude problem. I'm not saying you NEED one but going to sea and using (as fender done) the reasoning there are plenty of other boats about is EXACTLY the same as this twat from loch lomond.

The difference is, running out of fuel once is careless, 3 times is stupidity. I look after my kit meticulously (I’m stripping trailer brakes as we speak) I don’t carry an aux ( no room) I plan my voyages, I’m careful where I buy my fuel from, I carry 170litres. I’d like to think I do everything within reason to mitigate the risks of going to sea. If I do break down however, I’m going to need help. Does that make me irresponsible, stupid? 🤷
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Old 07 October 2018, 13:07   #76
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
The difference is, running out of fuel once is careless, 3 times is stupidity. I look after my kit meticulously (I’m stripping trailer brakes as we speak) I don’t carry an aux ( no room) I plan my voyages, I’m careful where I buy my fuel from, I carry 170litres. I’d like to think I do everything within reason to mitigate the risks of going to sea. If I do break down however, I’m going to need help. Does that make me irresponsible, stupid? ��
Why do people not understand this, it is completely beyond comprehension

The OP before this thread was cut up asked about an aux and was being encouraged out of it as there was, and I quote-

1. Sea start (which wasn't suitable as it only covers 3 miles)
2. Other boats about.

If someone needs help I will be the first to offer it but it is, as I have said numerous times, bordering on negligence to talk someone out of fitting an aux, ESPECIALLY when they wanted one.

If you can't fit an aux, afford one, lift one, find one or whatever else you care to throw at this that is fine as it is a free country but FFS do not try to talk someone out of fitting one when they want to buy one and instead rely on no 1,2 above.

Edit to add- Just because someone doesn't have an aux doesn't mean it shouldnt be encouraged (if viable as I said previously). To bring up old wounds, If I seen someone without a life jacket and they wanted to buy one, would we talk them out of it? Ofcourse not.
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Old 07 October 2018, 13:20   #77
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Originally Posted by jambo View Post
Like all threads of this nature it’s all down to use and misuse of language with a sprinkling of misinterpretation.
I missed this buddy, I 100% have contributed to atleast some part in the language misunderstanding, I cannot disagree with any of this.

But I can assure you my intentions were to give the original thread postedr good advice when they specifically asked about buying an aux and having one on my own 6.8 and probably similar weight. Im also sure the others advising not to buy one thought they were doing the same to be fair and we obvious disagree on that, which is cool and I have defended (try to anyway) my position too sternly perhaps.

These type of conversations are not well handled over the interweb thingy
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Old 07 October 2018, 13:34   #78
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave View Post
The difference is, running out of fuel once is careless, 3 times is stupidity. I look after my kit meticulously (I’m stripping trailer brakes as we speak) I don’t carry an aux ( no room) I plan my voyages, I’m careful where I buy my fuel from, I carry 170litres. I’d like to think I do everything within reason to mitigate the risks of going to sea. If I do break down however, I’m going to need help. Does that make me irresponsible, stupid? 🤷

But your wasting your breath, certain individuals on here are so fixated on aux’s that anyone not running one is obviously the devil reincarnated lol

Welcome PD to the ‘boarding negligent and very irresponsible club’, I’ve been a member for years
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Old 07 October 2018, 13:38   #79
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Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
Why do people not understand this, it is completely beyond comprehension

The OP before this thread was cut up asked about an aux and was being encouraged out of it as there was, and I quote-

1. Sea start (which wasn't suitable as it only covers 3 miles)
2. Other boats about.

If someone needs help I will be the first to offer it but it is, as I have said numerous times, bordering on negligence to talk someone out of fitting an aux, ESPECIALLY when they wanted one.

If you can't fit an aux, afford one, lift one, find one or whatever else you care to throw at this that is fine as it is a free country but FFS do not try to talk someone out of fitting one when they want to buy one and instead rely on no 1,2 above.

Edit to add- Just because someone doesn't have an aux doesn't mean it shouldnt be encouraged (if viable as I said previously). To bring up old wounds, If I seen someone without a life jacket and they wanted to buy one, would we talk them out of it? Ofcourse not.

I’m not trying to talk anyone out of fitting an Aux, and never would. Just as I wouldn’t talk anyone out of wearing an LJ or carrying a vhf/PLB/flares etc. I may also have missed the language nuances. To be clear, are you saying it’s irresponsible not to have an Aux, or irresponsible to talk someone out of having one if they want one? The conversation seems to have been muddied by people stating that they were having to rescue “auxless” peeps, ergo not having an auxiliary was irresponsible.
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Old 07 October 2018, 13:42   #80
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Originally Posted by Xk59D View Post
I missed this buddy, I 100% have contributed to atleast some part in the language misunderstanding, I cannot disagree with any of this.

But I can assure you my intentions were to give the original thread postedr good advice when they specifically asked about buying an aux and having one on my own 6.8 and probably similar weight. Im also sure the others advising not to buy one thought they were doing the same to be fair and we obvious disagree on that, which is cool and I have defended (try to anyway) my position too sternly perhaps.

These type of conversations are not well handled over the interweb thingy

Hi mate. It was a general comment regarding the whole forum and not pointing at this particular thread. Your last point is well made and I agree 100%.
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