12 June 2013, 21:07
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The Top 3 ????
Am I right in saying that Yamaha would be the best outboard you can buy followed by Mercury then Evinrude ? or maybe you could please list your thoughts on the top 3
12 June 2013, 21:10
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I heard all this too, but then I bought a Suzuki DF140 and it's the best engine I've ever owned
12 June 2013, 21:20
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Originally Posted by iberfoptic
Am I right in saying that Yamaha would be the best outboard you can buy followed by Mercury then Evinrude ? or maybe you could please list your thoughts on the top 3
Nope, definitely Red, Plain & Marmite for me
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12 June 2013, 21:42
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My opinion:
2 smoke: 4 stroke:
1. Yamaha 1. Yamaha
2. Tohatsu 2. Suzuki
3. Mariner 3. Honda
12 June 2013, 21:49
Country: UK - Scotland
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Suzuki for me 2 stroke or 4 stroke been superb.
12 June 2013, 21:50
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Perroboy
Suzuki for me 2 stroke or 4 stroke been superb.
You really don't see many 2 stroke suzukis at all. But I agree for a fantastically smooth operating engine you can't beat the suzuki 4 stroke!
12 June 2013, 21:58
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Originally Posted by henryfreston
My opinion:
2 smoke: 4 stroke:
1. Yamaha 1. Yamaha
2. Tohatsu 2. Suzuki
3. Mariner 3. Honda

Not a bad list that
12 June 2013, 22:36
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by henryfreston
My opinion:
2 smoke: 4 stroke:
1. Yamaha 1. Yamaha
2. Tohatsu 2. Suzuki
3. Mariner 3. Honda

Nice to see Tohatsu at number 2... happy with that.
Is that with or without VAT?
12 June 2013, 22:41
Country: UK - Wales
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Soozook mun. (DT, obviously)
Old skool, see
13 June 2013, 01:18
RIBnet admin team
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All much of a muchness now really if you're buying new tech, bar the 2 strokes having a bit more get up and go in the holeshot.
I'd avoid the Parsun/Sail/Hangko etc Chinese clones, but apart from that I'd happily own any of the current offerings.
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13 June 2013, 06:07
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Originally Posted by spartacus
Nice to see Tohatsu at number 2... happy with that. 
Had loads of tohatsus from 3.3 up to 90hp 2 strokers, bang on, every one! Would put mariners a close second....
13 June 2013, 07:29
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Originally Posted by whisper
I heard all this too, but then I bought a Suzuki DF140 and it's the best engine I've ever owned 
13 June 2013, 07:44
Country: UK - Wales
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Opti mun (new tech)
13 June 2013, 08:56
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I've had a few Outboards over the Years,mainly Merc...both 2 and Four strokes,which performed well enough although the Merc 4strokes were a little Heavey...
I realy enjoyed the E-tec (130) when I had it!.. plenty of Grunt and Quick Hole shot,and No issues ...
The DF(250) has though been a revalation! Very low noise/emmisions Great Holeshot! (Propped and power to weight spot on  .. and Fuel economy to Rival the E-tec!  Pluss No Oil tank to worry about!..With 1000+ miles done so far..It is Simply Outstanding,
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
13 June 2013, 09:18
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None of the major players make a bad one, so what's important is how good your local dealer is.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
13 June 2013, 09:58
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They're all the best until they don't work for some reason.... 
Then they're all piles of crap!
13 June 2013, 10:31
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Originally Posted by whisper
I heard all this too, but then I bought a Suzuki DF140 and it's the best engine I've ever owned 
Do you not miss the extra grunt the 150 would have given you? 17% more hp is quite a lot of difference.. not to mention the increase in torque. From what people say the increase in weight seems to be well outweighed by those factors.
Personally I would put Suzuki at the top of any 4/ stroke list, assuming you wanted to buy a fourstroke, which clearly you wouldn't...
Obviously different factors affect different hulls more than others. For example, weight and balance are more important than power with the Vipermax hull which is why they are best suited to etecs. The Optimax is good too but it's only USP is its price nowadays, the technology isn't really up there anymore IMHO. Merc have focussed on the Verados more, where as evinrude have continued to refine the etecs.
13 June 2013, 11:24
RIBnet admin team
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The deal with the 140 Suzukis is that if you go up to 150, it's the next block size up. Loads more torque, but a load more weight as well. IMO, of the 2 the 140 is the better motor for the RC585 hull as it means quite a nicely balanced boat.
Oddly though, the one I've seen with a 150 Opti on, spanked its ass...
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13 June 2013, 11:32
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
The deal with the 140 Suzukis is that if you go up to 150, it's the next block size up. Loads more torque, but a load more weight as well. IMO, of the 2 the 140 is the better motor for the RC585 hull as it means quite a nicely balanced boat.
Oddly though, the one I've seen with a 150 Opti on, spanked its ass...
That's fair enough but on a bigger hull the 150 would be better. Flypast of a 5.85 with 140, then a 5.85 with 150 opti then another with 140.. not much difference bar the noise of the opti.. 
13 June 2013, 11:36
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Make: SR5.4
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Nah, the 150 Opti really spanks the butt of the Suzi 140 speedwise on the RC585.
Whisper can tell you all about it  Optis sound glorious
On a bigger hull, the 175 (or the 200 if I remember correctly) Suzi would be better if it's rated for it-it's the same weight.
Where the DF150 really scores is on stuff like the Merry Fishers where they respond to the extra torque.
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