Doing my usual trawl of boats and outboards looking for an engine to replace the Yam 90 (probably at the end of the season..........)
I am still unsure which way to go....second hand Opti 135 /150 or Suzi Df 140 (the former appear to be easier to come by..........the latter my top choice.
Whilst trawling saw this....
Have looked through old posts and Tohatsu seem to get mixed reviews. However.......
Does anyone have experience of this 140 engine? Any comments /guidance on fuel economy compared to say Opti /Speed and (most importantly) reliability and ease of getting parts........
To get ANY work done on Suzi /Merc would have to travel circa 30 miles, there is a Tohatsu dealer (windjammer) in Milford 40 miles away, so all much of a muchness with regard getting work done /from a Geographical pov.
Thanks in anticipation,
PS Having said all that may just bite the bullet, break my Cardi (tight fisted) ways and buy new....if only for the peace of mind!