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Old 27 September 2021, 21:23   #1
Country: Sweden
Town: Falun
Make: Zodiac Futura Mk 2c
Length: 3m +
Engine: Suzuki DF20A
Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 136
Tohatsu 18 vs Parsun 15

I have a Zodiac Futura mk2c which currently has a short shaft 2012 Parsun 15 hp 4-stroke on it. It is easy to start and does fine. 20 knots with one person and 18 knots with two people.

But today I scored a 2004 Tohatsu 18 hp 2-stroke electric start. Unfortunately long shaft and no tiller or control box. But the engine has only been used in the river a couple of times since new, never seen salt. It has been sitting in a garage since then. At 900 EUR and as new condition I think it is a score.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying the Tohatsu on the Zodiac and compare it to the Parsun. Just need to make a bracket first and get a tiller etc. Probably need another propeller as well.

If anyone has a complete tiller, kill switch and related parts and you are willing to ship to Sweden, let me know.
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Old 20 November 2021, 18:05   #2
Country: Sweden
Town: Falun
Make: Zodiac Futura Mk 2c
Length: 3m +
Engine: Suzuki DF20A
Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 136
So, there are actually some significant differences between these two engines. I build the transom extender, added a new tiller kit and kill switch, removed the starter and changed the prop on the Tohatsu.

1. The Tohatsu 18 clearly outperforms the Parsun 15 with regards to power. It gives a top speed of 22 knots compared to 18 knots (with 2 people) and it is also faster out of the hole.

2. The Tohatsu is lighter to to carry even though this is the long shaft version.

3. The Parsun starts easily, but the Tohatsu is extremely easy to start. First pull hot or cold and very little pulling power is required. The Parsun requires a firm pull. This matters less to me but is important to my youngest son.

4. The Tohatsu vibrates less and I would guess it is equally noisy but that is hard to judge.

5. Obviously the Parsun does not require pre-mix fuel and thus smells less. But instead requires oil changes and some care need to be taken when transporting a 4-stroke.

6. The Parsun will require less fuel and it is a cleaner engine for sure. But let's be real, none of these engines consume a lot of fuel.

For me the 2-stroke Tohatsu is the clear winner here because it performs better and is easier to deal with. But this is on a small boat that won't be used that much. If I would use it more the benefits of a 4-stroke would be more important.
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Old 22 November 2021, 20:08   #3
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Higham Marine may be able to souce the tiller, they where able to get one for my Mariner Marathon (Tohatsu) at a very good price.
Rather be on my boat than browing the internet. :)
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Old 23 November 2021, 22:07   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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For me the 2-stroke Tohatsu is the clear winner here because it performs better and is easier to deal with. But this is on a small boat that won't be used that much. If I would use it more the benefits of a 4-stroke would be more important.[/QUOTE]

There was probably never any doubt that the tohatsu would be the clear winner here. Small two strokes win everytime over 4 strokes. Until you get to 30 or 40hp the two stroke advantage far outweighs the extra fuel they consume in a high percentage of cases imho, below that its two stroke every time for me

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