24 June 2012, 20:30
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Tohatsu 9.8 and centre console controls.
Hi all i have a wee avon 3.1 tender for the river cruiser and a tohatsu 9.8 2 stroke id like to connect this to a centre console steering set up for the kids,its fast enough for them at minute and will plane with 2 kids and myself on board.
Has anyone converted one of these tiller engines to take steering and throttle controls?If so im eager for advice and if you have photos all the better.
24 June 2012, 20:42
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AFAIK, they don't need to be "converted", they are ready to take the remote control kit. The install is covered in page 6 of the owners manual.
I just happen to have a copy...
24 June 2012, 22:30
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24 June 2012, 23:50
Country: Ireland
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Ok so it seems that the below photo may not be the ideal set up,its hard to steer hard to get in and out of gear,all help much appreciated.
25 June 2012, 01:36
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Your cables are WAAAY too long. The double bends won't make it easy to steer or chage gear.
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25 June 2012, 08:45
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Originally Posted by moonshadow
Ok so it seems that the below photo may not be the ideal set up,its hard to steer hard to get in and out of gear,all help much appreciated. 
Oh dear oh dear
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25 June 2012, 10:54
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 56
Ok so that bad then......how do I rectify this,what bits do I need to leave it safe for the young fella?
25 June 2012, 17:04
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by moonshadow
Ok so that bad then......how do I rectify this,what bits do I need to leave it safe for the young fella?
Not sure on the steering, quart into a pint pot springs to mind. You might be able to find an adapter arm that will allow you to bring the cable further across the transom& then double back to the steering attachment on the engine. I haven't explained that very well but I know what I mean  As for the cables, like Nos says, they look about a metre too long.
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25 June 2012, 17:35
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 56
Can you believe a b0!!/+ was paid for this ,I really need guidence here lads as I'm off on the cruiser for three weeks soon this is my break (kids can go on the rib to tootle about under watchful supervision) but I need to get this right,if anyone can give me exactly what i need it just might save my holiday!
Thanks so far !
25 June 2012, 18:02
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I would be inclined to remove what you have at the moment, and as had been said, replace the steering and shift cables with shorter ones. I suspect the reason why the guy who’s done it this way has done so order to pass the cables through the console to keep them out of the way. The trouble is those cables don't bend easily, so he's allowed a load of extra cable in order to get the bend. Even so they look like they're bent pretty tight in quite a small area. So yes, get shorter cables and run them down the side (on the outside) of the console (you could wrap them all in sprirowrap to make them more tidy) straight up to the engine. The shift cables can run directly into the bottom of the control box which is presumably a side mounted model. You'll need to cut a small hole in the side of the console and run the steering cable through into the bottom of the helm unit. You'll have much less tight bends and the whole thing will be a lot smoother and easy to use!
25 June 2012, 18:12
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
I haven't explained that very well but I know what I mean 
This is what I mean
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