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Old 11 February 2010, 12:37   #1
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Tohatsu color codes?

Question about Tohatsu color codes. Happy owner of a 2004 Tohatsu 25/30 hp 2 stroke engine. Planning to do some touch up painting. Now it seams strangely difficoult to get hold of proper paint/collor code for this engine.

In a 2003 Tohatsu part catalogue mentioned only a slightly vague description about "ligth gray" myt no RAL code or simmilar. Have asked Tohatsu JP but they never repplied.
Local retailers don't have a clue, and spray can's out of stock. Have found out from the web, mainly from OEM spray paint supplyers the following:
color might be called:

-light gray
-light grey
-mariner light grey have sometimes same code as Tohatsu Light grey, sometimes different....
-light grey metallic (this describes the actual color most accurately)
-silver grey
-tohatsu grey

Also seen mentioned light grey "-91 onwards", can it be so that they used same color for so long?

Would prefere to get a "real" color code (RAL or other official system) and have the spray can prepared by a car paint supplier.

So does anyone now a real color code? Or a recomendation of good touch up spray?

Thanks in advance
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Old 11 February 2010, 13:44   #2
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i was told by a tohatsu dealer that some of the Nissan car paint products ,,spray cans ,touch up paints are the same colours and match ,,,,i bought a small bottle of touch up which was Tohatsu marine ,,silver grey ,,part no 3b7-72326-0,,,for a 2006 model
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Old 11 February 2010, 17:53   #3
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The color changed roundabout 2005 or 2006 to "aquamarine blue". But You right, I now tend to beleive that the correct name is "silver grey".

However, slightly confusingly "" is selling paint with the words: "Nissan/Tohatsu OEM touch up spray paint, 12 oz spray can. This charcoal paint is used on the 2000 through 2005 models". So now its charcoal.....?

Anyone know how to turn" silver grey /part no 3b7-72326-0" into a proper color code?

How is it done when having the Outboard professionally painted, do the only take the "closest match" color and use that one?
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Old 12 February 2010, 03:27   #4
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What and why

The official Tohatsu description is:
12 oz. spray can

Touch-up paint - Silver/Gray.

Keep your customer's motor looking like new with Nissan/Tohatsu touch-up paint.

Matches Nissan/Tohatsu "silver/gray" color from model years 2000~2006.

Part # 3B7723260M

The reason that internetoutboards does not use that description is because it is incorrect. The paint was originally called charcoal/gray or simply gray(what the color actually is) and was later re translated to English and then changed to silver/gray(which it is not). The silver/gray was originally used on the pre 1993 model engines which had a cobalt blue frame and silver/gray covers. When Tohatsu stopped selling the original cover silver/gray they switched the name to the 2000-2005 engine paint color....Confusing and stupid

The aquamarine color is actually midnight blue in shade, not aquamarine....Also confusing and not bright

As to the codes, they aren't used. Hence the trouble finding them. Dealers buy the paint as a part number , not a paint code. Tohatsu obviously has a code but, they aren't telling because they want you to buy the paint from a dealer. However, any paint shop can color match by computer if you take in a sample.
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Old 12 February 2010, 10:38   #5
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IIRG, some of the earlier TLDI Twatsoos (circa 2004-2006ish) were painted a silver colour (similar colour to Honda motors). Take care that you don't end up buying this colour by mistake.
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Old 12 February 2010, 15:54   #6
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Thanks all for enlightening replys. The TLDI color was a new issue, did not new that one.
So to be on the safe side, only way to go is to use part number, color name is useless for this engine. Did finaly get a reply from Tohatsu JP. Considering providing serial number and built year, would have expected at least a part number:

"Thank you for your E-mail.

We regret to inform you that we do not have any general color cord of our paints because the color is specially arranged for our products
We appreciate it if you could contact your local dealer to purchase touch-up paint, or contact to painting company that will be able to arrange the color."

But did get a replay, a few scores to them for that.
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