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Old 19 January 2006, 08:36   #1
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Transom Height

Would I be making a mistake if I placed a Opti 150 XL shaft engine(25") on a 21" transom. I have been told there is 4" of adjustment on the engine, therfore bringing it into the correct position.

With the additional length, this will cause greater drag and therefore knock some kts of the top end speed. Are there any other problems I might encounter?

Should I attempt to fit it or walk away from a good deal (part exchange for my Yam 200Vmax) and await for a Long shaft to come available? If there is anyone out there who is interested in a part exchange let me know.


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Old 19 January 2006, 09:00   #2
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Hi, in my opinion you should think about raising the transom or swapping the engine.

last year I picked up a very cheap XL engine and went through exactly what you are doing.

The prop being too low will reduce your top speed if thats a problem for you, and maybe cause some other issues.

Mounting the engine at the top of its adjustment will give you nowhere to go if you do want to raise it later, and it can't be good to have the engine saddle unsupported against the transom for nearly half its height.
The additional leverage on the transom may also cause some problems.

As mentioned I mounted a 200XL Suzi on my transom last year, but built the transom up by 4 inches and in the process strengthened it a lot.
I'm only a few miles away in Clanfield so you are welcome to come and have a look how I did it. But be warned, it was a lot of work.

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Old 19 January 2006, 15:40   #3
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If its that good a deal see how much it will cost you to raise the transom. But i would'nt put an XL on a normal transom.
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