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Old 17 July 2022, 13:12   #1
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Can anyone advise me how to get my twin 60 yams to go up and down at the same level? Port side is lower than starboard. I only have one trim switch.
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Old 17 July 2022, 16:29   #2
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Thats unusual to have only 1 trim switch, normally a trim switch on each throttle lever. As each outboard will have its own trim pump then you won't get them to match of one switch. Is the RIB new to you? sounds like one of the throttle levers has been replaced at some point.
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Old 17 July 2022, 19:35   #3
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Can you just hold the trim down button until they are both at zero, and then surely when you trim them they will always be roughly at the same level? We have twins with independent trim buttons and a link switch but we always have them linked as there is rarely a need to trim them independently. According to the trim angle indicators they are always within 3 degrees of each other
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Old 31 July 2022, 12:49   #4
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Been back at the he boat this weekend and I noticed the other trim button on the throttle and the ones on the engines and no matter which button you press both engines tilt at the same time. The big problem is that one moves at a slower rate than the other. Any body no how to fix this so that both operate independently?
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Old 08 August 2022, 23:34   #5
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If I'm reading the "other trim button" comment correct you have two separate trim controls, both of which work both engines, but one engione moves more slowly than the other?

This sounds like the two circuits are sharing the same wire(s)...

First thing to do is chase the wires. I guess at some point between the switch at the helm & the trim unit both units and / or switches will be connected to the same wire(s) As Tehguy says, there may be a link switch hiding somewhere.

as for the differing speeds, one motor could have a dicky connection, so getting a smidge less power to run. would be worth checking the corrosion levels in any coneections while you are chasing the wires. Other thing - does one of them need topped up with hydraulic fluid?
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Old 09 August 2022, 11:44   #6
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Are you saying the trim switch on the port engine causes both the port and starboard engine to trim? I could understand the throttle trim switches being wired together because that would be within the realms of a DIY 'bodge' but to cross connect the engine trim switches would require a professional level of bodgery.

I'm assuming ordinarily that each engine has its own motor, pump and ram as one unit. Has someone re-configured it so that there is only one motor and pump with a feed to the two rams?
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Old 09 August 2022, 22:09   #7
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If one engine is quicker than the other to trim, then one possibility is one trim motor could have worn carbon brushes, but more likely to be intermittent fault, and as mentioned, check hydraulic fluid level - usually Dexron or Mobil 220 ATF. If one of the engines was dropped manually, for example to bypass the trim at some point it may need to be purged of air, but you’ll hear a definite gurgle if there’s still air in it.

Get a multimeter on the engines to measure voltage at switch too just to rule out gremlins. Not unknown to have oxidised wiring effecting continuity.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 09 August 2022, 22:23   #8
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Thanks folks, I am not an electrical guy but I have a friend who is going to take a look for me and I will pass on all this information. Another said it could be a relay ?
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Old 10 August 2022, 09:45   #9
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Originally Posted by Birlinn Bheag View Post
Can anyone advise me how to get my twin 60 yams to go up and down at the same level? Port side is lower than starboard. I only have one trim switch.

Depending how old they are they may have the facility to link the trims. Recently had a similar issue on a pair of 1yo suzukis they were linked via the interface so both engines trimmed from the same switch, not a bodge or a problem they were configured that way when they were paired. The issue on those was a faulty trim sender which wasn't sending the correct reading so the ecm couldn't trim them together. Had a similar issue on a yanmar sterndrive due to a faulty trim sender, it wouldnt trim at all as they have electronic programmable safety stops.
Not sure how Yamaha do it if its new engines. Obviously if they are older engines then dual trim from single switches wasn't available & it may be a wiring issue

Sent from my SM-G950F using RIB Net mobile app
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