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Old 19 September 2009, 07:23   #1
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Tuning 2 stroke Outboards for more HP

I'm sorry, if there was a novice section I would have stuck it in there! I'm just learning.

On the search for an affordable 2 stroke 3.5hp Tohatsu after some advice and from this forum I understand now each set of outboards includes a range with each one limited (the largest of the sub group being unlimited). Hence my decision for the 3.5hp as it is the top of its group.

So.. money being the issue I am finding outboards in the same subgroup but restricted to a lower HP (eg. 2.5hp).

Is re-tuning them an expensive job or can it be done at home? I am practical minded but have no knowledge of engines / outboards as you can tell.

Could also do with a difinitive list of what these Tohatsu 2 strokes were also badged under to aid my search for something I can afford (£200 - 250 max at the moment).

The quest is to keep to that 13kg with max hp.
Thanks ;>)
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Old 19 September 2009, 07:31   #2
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Originally Posted by Pav View Post
I'm sorry, if there was a novice section I would have stuck it in there! I'm just learning.

On the search for an affordable 2 stroke 3.5hp Tohatsu after some advice and from this forum I understand now each set of outboards includes a range with each one limited (the largest of the sub group being unlimited). Hence my decision for the 3.5hp as it is the top of its group.

So.. money being the issue I am finding outboards in the same subgroup but restricted to a lower HP (eg. 2.5hp).

Is re-tuning them an expensive job or can it be done at home? I am practical minded but have no knowledge of engines / outboards as you can tell.

Could also do with a difinitive list of what these Tohatsu 2 strokes were also badged under to aid my search for something I can afford (£200 - 250 max at the moment).

The quest is to keep to that 13kg with max hp.
Thanks ;>)
on a modern motor it is usually prhibitively expensive.
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Old 19 September 2009, 08:27   #3
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It's also not a good idea if you have no knowledge of motors. You're likely to end up with a seized engine.
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Old 20 September 2009, 15:44   #4
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The re/tuning conversion will depend entirely on how complicated is the engine brand, in some same CC engine blocks will need to change to next carb to match next HP top model, in others just main jets, air gaskets, etc a much cheaper option. A matter to have the spare parts list for that engine brand model and have a look to see which one applies. Won't be able to get a Tohatsu 3.5 to it's max, as it's alreday at the max compared to it's 2.5 carb restricted younger brother. Contact a skilled outboard tecnician.

Tohatsu also makes same HP engines for Nissan models and portable ones for Mariner/Mercury in the range : 30 HP (4 strokes) 50 HP (2 strokes) models.

Happy Sibbing
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