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Old 13 October 2017, 03:10   #1
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used engine purchase

I am looking at a used etc engine with 300 hours on it. What are the possible troubles I could have? The price seems quite good. I am not anywhere near able to view the engine in person. It would have to be shipped to me.

Does anyone have advice for me?
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Old 13 October 2017, 06:43   #2
Country: UK - England
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You could contact the nearest dealer / service agent to the seller and ask if they would be willing to look at it.
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Old 13 October 2017, 08:13   #3
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How old is it, which model, service history?? Do you have a BRP dealer near you ?
This would be a good place to start
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Old 13 October 2017, 08:40   #4
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More info needed I'm afraid.

depending on age and price, it would be sensible to have someone plug in the diagnostics and send you a copy of the readouts.
You get what you settle for!
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Old 13 October 2017, 09:48   #5
Country: Ireland
Town: Castlebar
Boat name: Clewless
Make: Valiant DR 490
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Engine: 60 hp ETEC
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As an Etec owner (60 hp) I believe that the following is very important with e-tecs.
1) they need to be kept serviced.
2) they need to be serviced by some one who knows what they are at.
3) I would not buy a second etec without having a computer readout from the engine. This will provide you with details of engine temps, EMM temps (very important)
I would not buy an Etec if there was no water filter on the fuel line.
I would not buy an Etec if I found that the power cables were linked to the batter with wing nuts.
I would want a spin in the boat that the etec was driving to ensure that it could achieve WOT with the prop it had been fitted with. If the engine was over propped it would not achieve WOT and this would result in lugging on the engine (very very bad). I would not buy such an engine.

I would also try to find out if the engine was ran on XD100 XD 50 or TWC 3. The engine should be set up for each oil type. A TCW3 setting using XD oils would be OK (over oiling) but using TCW3 on XD settings would be bad as this would result in insufficient oil.

If the etec is a 60 hp etec and has ben raised by one hole (i.e. the saddle is not bearing down on the transom check the starboard saddle for signs of cracking as there has been 3 or 4 reports on this fourm of 60 hp etecs breaking the saddle on ribs when they have been raised by one hole and not supported directly by the transom.

I have to say that I do like my e-tec. I would buy another 60 hp etec again.


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Old 13 October 2017, 11:03   #6
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Originally Posted by two stroke mick View Post
As an Etec owner (60 hp) I believe that the following is very important with e-tecs.
1) they need to be kept serviced.
2) they need to be serviced by some one who knows what they are at.
3) I would not buy a second etec without having a computer readout from the engine. This will provide you with details of engine temps, EMM temps (very important)
I would not buy an Etec if there was no water filter on the fuel line.
I would not buy an Etec if I found that the power cables were linked to the batter with wing nuts.
I would want a spin in the boat that the etec was driving to ensure that it could achieve WOT with the prop it had been fitted with. If the engine was over propped it would not achieve WOT and this would result in lugging on the engine (very very bad). I would not buy such an engine.

I would also try to find out if the engine was ran on XD100 XD 50 or TWC 3. The engine should be set up for each oil type. A TCW3 setting using XD oils would be OK (over oiling) but using TCW3 on XD settings would be bad as this would result in insufficient oil.

If the etec is a 60 hp etec and has ben raised by one hole (i.e. the saddle is not bearing down on the transom check the starboard saddle for signs of cracking as there has been 3 or 4 reports on this fourm of 60 hp etecs breaking the saddle on ribs when they have been raised by one hole and not supported directly by the transom.

I have to say that I do like my e-tec. I would buy another 60 hp etec again.


Cracking bit of advice there!
You get what you settle for!
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