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Old 02 October 2011, 22:21   #1
Country: UK - Wales
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using a 4stroke yamaha in winter????


i live in wales and have a circa 2006 yamaha 115 4stroke... i always have it professionally winterised but this year i want to use it throughout the winter to fish...

what do i do?? the way i see it is just like a car engine so is sealed... obviously i will flush the coolant system with antifreeze after each use so there is no water in the pipes to freeze, but what else do i have to do?? surely there are people that use their boats throughout the whole of winter so it must be ok to use outboards in cold temperatures, is the issue when they are left for long periods?? i will probably use it every 3-4 weeks

i have been boating all my life but am just not sure about this!!

thanks for any advice
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Old 02 October 2011, 23:16   #2
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Originally Posted by jamesotatham View Post
i live in wales
nevver mynd

Originally Posted by jamesotatham View Post
what do i do?

moove sumwher hot

i recummend pattagownia

lotts ovv welch nobburs ther
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg

Wher doo I beegin?😃
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Old 02 October 2011, 23:24   #3
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Essentially it will be fine. Plenty of people here use boats all year round. Ideally you would keep the boat somewhere warm, and in any case with the engine/leg in the down position (so it drains any water out). The main things about winterising are (1) protecting the inside of the cylinders from corrosion (regular use will help to avoid) (2) stopping stale fuel clogging up carbs/injectors etc (regular use will avoid this) (3) ensuring battery drain in minimised (regular use will keep them topped up) (4) keeping everything well lubed/protected/greased (I've only ever had stuff seize up when not used!).

Make sure you don't miss your service interval because you didn't get it winterised/de-winterised but otherwise it should be ok. How much you need to use it to not worry about will depend where you are and how cold it gets. I never know when mine will be going back out again so it gets a "mini winterisation" after every trip. (Flush with fresh water, drain carbs, quick clean/dry/wipe with oily rag, grease on the steering, and a teaspoon of 2stroke oil in the plug hole). Its ten minutes. No "dewinterisation" needed.
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Old 03 October 2011, 06:08   #4
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2006 F115: no carbs.

The one I'll highlight from Polwarts quite thorough post is the one at the top: If it's trailered, make sure any water (including rain water) doesn't pool in the prop hub. If it freezes, it can split the gearcase.

If you are using it regularly (like every couple of weeks), there shouldn't be anything else you need to do to it (though a good coating of wax can keep ice from sticking to it - not that that would hurt a lot.)

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Old 03 October 2011, 10:37   #5
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we have always used our boats throughout the year, and they used to have more use in winter than summer when we had big cod to go and fish for..we haven't any longer but thats another story
As said ensure the water can drain out after flushing by trimming the engine all the way down, and back up and down again to ensure there are no trapped bits of potential ice! We never winterise the motors but I do ensure that they come out of the garage and are run for a time on flush muffs at least once a month, the steering is turned and the trim used - lack of use being an outboards main threat. And then be sure to drain down as above.
A four stroke motor is not a sealed coolant thing, there is no water jacket to add antifreeze to, its all raw water.
In all the years at the boat club I have only seen one outboard go bang in the winter due to freezing up-poor Harry lives up in the hills and its cold up there! Launched the boat after towing it 60 miles or so to the club, started it up and it ran just long enough for him to be far enough out to sea to need a tow home when it blew the core plugs out!
Winter boating is the best thing in the world....when you think about it in summer!! When it gets to february its not always as appealing so it may be an idea just to winterise if you are not so sure as to if you will use it.
Dave M
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Old 03 October 2011, 19:35   #6
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I have operated outboards all year round for a long time and have had no problems with frost.
Check out the photo which shows my RIB last Christmas ice bound in over 40mm of ice when the temperature dropped to less than -10 oC regularly for over a week. Both engines started first time with no problems after the thaw
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Old 16 October 2011, 20:40   #7
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Thanks for these great replies!! I have been away a while hence the late reply..

I really thank you for your informative responses and hope I can be as helpful one day.


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Old 17 October 2011, 09:03   #8
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In extreme cold put antifreeze through the system and any pockets of water that remain should not freeze if your going to leave outside in the winter.
Also wrap the thing upi use a couple of hessian bags and a waterproof outer that keep the frost off.
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