14 October 2005, 22:37
Country: Norway
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Posts: 155
Veradoproblems on Parker in Sweden?
A chartercompany in Sweden has 2x250hp Verado on their black Parker 9m and they are currently into their sixth engines due to breakdowns. Parker in Sweden is called C-rib.
Parker in England does obviously not know since he claims in a post on this forum that there have not been any big problems with Veradoes delivered on Parker-boats.
The reason for me to make some waves here is that we have just ordered boat no. 4 this season for our charter-business, and we are considering 2x275 Verado.
14 October 2005, 22:55
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Very interesting - seemed a bit too good to be true that something that complicated wouldn't have SOME teething troubles!!!
15 October 2005, 00:58
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I found this strange Fjordrafting, I have spoken to Kristian as I am to have Verado on my boat and he did not mention having any difficulties, also I find it strange if Verado are only having problems on Parker as you are pointing out.
15 October 2005, 15:01
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
A chartercompany in Sweden has 2x250hp Verado on their black Parker 9m and they are currently into their sixth engines due to breakdowns. Parker in Sweden is called C-rib.
Parker in England does obviously not know since he claims in a post on this forum that there have not been any big problems with Veradoes delivered on Parker-boats.
The reason for me to make some waves here is that we have just ordered boat no. 4 this season for our charter-business, and we are considering 2x275 Verado.
Martin, this is news to me. Have also checked with my brother Philip in Poland and he also has not heard anything. If a commecial operator was on his 6th set of engines then you can be sure that we as the rib manufacturer and engine supplier would be the first to know. I am now trying to establish contact with our swedish distributor and find out from him if what you claim is true. Once I hear from him will post his response and perhaps we can get to the bottom of this.
as a matter of interest what rib have you ordered
15 October 2005, 22:19
Country: Norway
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by Andre
Martin, this is news to me. Have also checked with my brother Philip in Poland and he also has not heard anything. If a commecial operator was on his 6th set of engines then you can be sure that we as the rib manufacturer and engine supplier would be the first to know. I am now trying to establish contact with our swedish distributor and find out from him if what you claim is true. Once I hear from him will post his response and perhaps we can get to the bottom of this.
as a matter of interest what rib have you ordered
Not sixth set, but sixth engine. We heared it from a boatbuilder in Sweeden that we personally talked to yesterday. We will make the nesesary telephonecalls on Monday to verify if it is any truth in this. Just hoped that you had heard something, since you are working so close with Parker/Sweeden.
Regarding what boats we order, a friend of mine and I have had nothing but good experiences with Revenger. We took delivery of a Revenger 29 two months ago, and have ordered a 34 Revenger for delivery in December.
We probably use our boats harder than normal ribbers, since all the other boats we have bought, have broken. My friend has used his Revenger for Chartering for three years in huge waves. And no problems. We have only 100 hours on our 29`er, but no other boat that we have had, have ever lasted that long without significant problems.
The 29`er has stepped hull, is narrow and can every day make 58 GPS-knots with full tank and 14 people on board powered by 2x250hp Suzuki. (If you want to know what problems Suzuki have, we know it!)
We even like the 29`er better in 3m. waves than our 36 feet long rib!
When it comes to Revenger 34, we have only talked to previouse owners and newer tested it our selves, so we do take a small risk. But it seems like the owners like their 34. But the most important to us is the building-qulity. We have seen pictures, and we have seen our 29 under construction.
In Norway there are three Revenger 34 one is a Revenger 34 with 2x500hp. It has been around for 4-5 years without problems regarding the boat. The problems they have is that their XR-drives keep braking. The other has 3x300-o.b. and is all read! Some Norwegians know how to power their Rev. 34`s!
We do also read American sites. A lot of problems with the very, very first Verado. But after that the Verado seems to have had very little problems. If we find out that the story from Sweeden is bull, we probably try twin 275`s.
Have a nice day!
16 October 2005, 07:10
Country: Sweden
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Tell the guys with the XR drives to trst the Konrads.
More info Konrad Marine we have tested them on 440 Yanmar and they are performing very well.
16 October 2005, 07:15
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
Not sixth set, but sixth engine. We heared it from a boatbuilder in Sweeden that we personally talked to yesterday. We will make the nesesary telephonecalls on Monday to verify if it is any truth in this. Just hoped that you had heard something, since you are working so close with Parker/Sweeden.
Martin, my mistake sorry you did say "sixth engine"
We are also checking and will post our findings.
www.seasafari.se are also using our Parker 750Baltic and Parker 900Baltic (C-RIB 25 and C-RIB 30) and both with twin Verados
Why not ask them what they think of the Verado engines. You could even ask them about the performance of the ribs, but mind you, you already know cos you have tested one and liked it  Perhaps next time round
17 October 2005, 07:08
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[QUOTE=Andre] Martin, my mistake sorry you did say "sixth engine"
We are also checking and will post our findings.
If a verado make a breackdown, it need to be send back to mercury HQ or a guy will come for them to see why. And if there is more than 1 breakdown they will send a guy to have a look at engine and boat..
When we had a problem with a set of Verado's. Mercury send a guy to check it. at the same time 2 new engine was send. it was not the verado's but Shell who had put diesel in the fuel..
I run Verado's because they are good/trosteble and have the best service.
BR Jan
17 October 2005, 07:59
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
A chartercompany in Sweden has 2x250hp Verado on their black Parker 9m and they are currently into their sixth engines due to breakdowns. Parker in Sweden is called C-rib.
Parker in England does obviously not know since he claims in a post on this forum that there have not been any big problems with Veradoes delivered on Parker-boats.
The reason for me to make some waves here is that we have just ordered boat no. 4 this season for our charter-business, and we are considering 2x275 Verado.
I have just heard from Peder our scandinavian distributor and he tells me he has not heard of any problems with the Verado engines fitted to the Parker 900 Baltic / C-RIB 30 (all Black rib)
Peder says " Engine replaced 6 times not really realistic regardless of make"
I guess most would agree with that statement
17 October 2005, 12:45
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Which just goes to prove you should check every statement like this carefully, before it enters the realms of Urban Myth.
Seems not everyone can fully comprehend this important fact, especially those not even a nano bit involved and hasn't made a multi £,000,000 investment in manufacture...
"Very interesting - seemed a bit too good to be true that something that complicated wouldn't have SOME teething troubles!!!"
17 October 2005, 18:23
Country: Norway
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Posts: 155
We have just checked the rumour. We heared it from a boatbulider in Gøteborg. They claimed that www.vagbrytarna.se had big broblems with Verado and more than four brakedowns. We called Thomas at this chartercompany and talked to him. They have no Verado-engines, but are going to by Verado because of their relaiability, extreemely good acceleration and overal a good motor. He also said that most chartercompanies in Sweeden do change their engines for Verados.
We did call around to other companies in Sweeden to check out if this was the case. They all confirmed that the Verado was an excelent engine.
We do know that we made waves by posting this post initially, but we spend hard earned money on engines every year. It is goood to get the best confirmation you can get before you invest huge amouts of money.
After reading a lot of chatsites in in the US, and got all this confirmation, we have finally decided that the next engines for sure will be 2x275 Verado!
17 October 2005, 18:27
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
We have just checked the rumour. We heared it from a boatbulider in Gøteborg. They claimed that www.vagbrytarna.se had big broblems with Verado and more than four brakedowns. We called Thomas at this chartercompany and talked to him. They have no Verado-engines, but are going to by Verado because of their relaiability, extreemely good acceleration and overal a good motor. He also said that most chartercompanies in Sweeden do change their engines for Verados.
We did call around to other companies in Sweeden to check out if this was the case. They all confirmed that the Verado was an excelent engine.
We do know that we made waves by posting this post initially, but we spend hard earned money on engines every year. It is goood to get the best confirmation you can get before you invest huge amouts of money.
After reading a lot of chatsites in in the US, and got all this confirmation, we have finally decided that the next engines for sure will be 2x275 Verado!
Only believe half what you see, and nothing what you hear....
17 October 2005, 19:02
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I was on the phone to Marine Power in belgum today (Merc/Mariner Europe) And they no nothing about this problem either!!. Im sure if they had six engines replaced then Marine Power would no about it!!!
17 October 2005, 19:09
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by hard1
Which just goes to prove you should check every statement like this carefully, before it enters the realms of Urban Myth.
Seems not everyone can fully comprehend this important fact, especially those not even a nano bit involved and hasn't made a multi £,000,000 investment in manufacture...
"Very interesting - seemed a bit too good to be true that something that complicated wouldn't have SOME teething troubles!!!"
So you would rather have a go at my innocent remark than someone who posts REALLY damaging stuff??? Says a lot really.....
As to things having teething troubles I think you will find Evinrude - Mercury etc etc have had their fair share - VERY few products don't have them in the early days!!!
17 October 2005, 19:20
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Osprey & Ring
Make: Osprey & Ring
Length: 9m +
Engine: Plenty
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Posts: 860
Fjordrafting, here is some extra pics for your friends with the XR problems.
Its the Konrad 540 compared to the Mercruiser TRS.
17 October 2005, 19:40
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I do think that the original post was asking for factual support or denial of the story that there were problems with Verados in Sweden. I think you will agree that with the co-operation of all the parties involved that replied, including Scandinavian dealers and the actual RIB manufacturer himself that this story turned out to be more fairy than fair. In this way, this forum has once again proved to be a serious source of good information which has helped this business progress in the right way.
Your response was purely speculative and unhelpful. Peoples lives might be at risk with false information and spurious speculation and businesses and reputations could be seriously damaged. Whereas I am sure that your response was intended to be helpful, I do believe in this instance that the poster wanted contact from actual Verado owners, dealers or users. That is why I didn't reply for example, because I'm not, and didn't have anything to add to their serious question regarding the committment (or not) of up to £30,000, purchasing engines for their marine business. In fact, because I fully intend to repower with a Verado next year, I was more than interested in the answers from people who should know.
You are of course correct that many manufacturers rush their products out to market before testing is fully complete, and let their customers finish the test cycles for them, resulting in failures that are loosely described as "teething troubles", but again, they don't ALL fail, and you will never know what the statistics of success/failure actually are. Only you, as an owner, would have knowledge of the product you purchased and possibly a couple of your mates. Beyond that, any knowledge you claim, because this is what you have read about, is pure speculation and heresay.
17 October 2005, 19:52
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
We have just checked the rumour. We heared it from a boatbulider in Gøteborg. They claimed that www.vagbrytarna.se had big broblems with Verado and more than four brakedowns. We called Thomas at this chartercompany and talked to him. They have no Verado-engines, but are going to by Verado because of their relaiability, extreemely good acceleration and overal a good motor. He also said that most chartercompanies in Sweeden do change their engines for Verados.
We did call around to other companies in Sweeden to check out if this was the case. They all confirmed that the Verado was an excelent engine.
We do know that we made waves by posting this post initially, but we spend hard earned money on engines every year. It is goood to get the best confirmation you can get before you invest huge amouts of money.
After reading a lot of chatsites in in the US, and got all this confirmation, we have finally decided that the next engines for sure will be 2x275 Verado!
Martin, I am very pleased to hear that this has now all been explained and that there was no truth in your initial claim whatsoever.
So if I put your both statements together ie; your much earlier complimentary report about our Parker 900 Baltic and now that your next engines will be 2 x 275 Verado  then I can only  as you only confirm what we have been saying all the time. Yes we do have a very good package for your type of operation
17 October 2005, 21:36
Country: Norway
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by Petrov
Fjordrafting, here is some extra pics for your friends with the XR problems.
Its the Konrad 540 compared to the Mercruiser TRS.
We do also run XR-drives on our 36 feet rib, and they do brake, and we have surched for better solutions, and we have also found Conrad. The most normal failure on the XR-drives is the upper gear. We have seen pictures of both XR and Conrad -gear together, and the Conradgear has 70% more areal on their theeth, very impressive.
But there is a huge but. The price of a Conrad is almost the same as a 250 Suzuki. And that is for the drive only, and then you have to by the i.b. engine! A lot of money! But if you want to be serious, there is no dout that the Conrad drive is a very good solution.
Why Conrad, do you sell them on the Ringboats? By the way, Henshaw inflatable was just in Norway to repair on my 36, and they spoke highly about the Ringboats, good for you!
17 October 2005, 21:51
Country: Norway
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by hard1
Your response was purely speculative and unhelpful. Peoples lives might be at risk with false information and spurious speculation and businesses and reputations could be seriously damaged. Whereas I am sure that your response was intended to be helpful, I do believe in this instance that the poster wanted contact from actual Verado owners, dealers or users.
"Lives might be at risk"! That was a though one.
I am 100% sure that Verado came out stronger than ever due to my posts. A lot of people here on rib.net are going to by an engine sooner or later. They do not know what to by, when I started to post extremely negative, made a lot of investigation, and then posted that I for sure will by Verado, there is no doubt in my mind that it might convinse potential byers.
Our company break almost everything in our boats including the boat, so when we say that we go for something, I think it counts. And if any lives are at risk, it must be the lives of the salespersons who sell all the other brands
17 October 2005, 22:24
Country: Other
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Posts: 623
Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
"Lives might be at risk"! That was a though one.
I am 100% sure that Verado came out stronger than ever due to my posts. A lot of people here on rib.net are going to by an engine sooner or later. They do not know what to by, when I started to post extremely negative, made a lot of investigation, and then posted that I for sure will by Verado, there is no doubt in my mind that it might convinse potential byers.
Our company break almost everything in our boats including the boat, so when we say that we go for something, I think it counts. And if any lives are at risk, it must be the lives of the salespersons who sell all the other brands 
Hey Fjordrafting, that was not aimed at you. I found this thread very interesting and helpful, as I too am thinking of buying a Verado. I'm glad we had some positive responses. I was pointing out to an earlier poster who speculated that new engines had "teething problems" thus giving some credibility to this untrue story about the alleged massive unreliability of Verados in Sweden...
Good job...
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