volvo b230 vs b200
I ve got a friend who are doing a engine install (twin) on his newly imported boat.
The tax reg. here restrict him from using the old motors (volvo b200) but he can use everything less than the engine block.
As i have understood the engine heads are not the same as y would find in a car so he wants to use that to match a engine block that have been thru the customs.
Typicly he is looking for 2 b200 (2litre) witch should be no problem, but since the B230 is all over the place AND vould give hime more juce, he would like to do a buildup of that calibre.
Q. 1 Eny out there with experience of the b200 / b230?
Q.2 can the engine head from a b200 (marine) be installed on a b230 without changing the compression ratio (will come back with data later)
Q.3 what would be the best carburator inst. 1 or 2 per eng.
Q.4 hmmm...
I think the the camshaft is a K shaft (may correct this)
Thanks for eny replay