Originally Posted by Jono Garton
About 1 year ago I purchased a 6.5m Pro Sport Rib with D3 130hp Volvo.
Time went on and we had a few teething problems, however a major problem occurred, the engine kept restricting itself to 1500rpm (Hop Home Mode). After various trips to the Volvo Dealer (Who Were very Helpful), several phone calls to Volvo (who didn't know allot about the engine) & 70 od days of down time. Volvo replaced the engine, several weeks later a bill lands on the door step for work not covered under warranty, a loom, ecu, and a few other bits that ad up to over £2000.
Volvo are saying that the problems are my fault because the loom and ecu started to corrode.
I have received many phone calls from D3 Owners who have had the same problems. I would like anyone who has had problems with D3’s to post here.
I had aproblem with my D3 when it was about 18hrs (useage) old. After some investigation from Ribcraft and the local volvo dealer, the problem was traced to a blockage in the fuel supply, most probably caused by crud in the fuel. This blockage was causing air to be drawn into the fuel line (apparently down to the strength of the fuel pumps on these engines) through the water separator. The pressure sensors on the common rail then found a fault and went into limp home mode. The air ingress through the water separator has now been sorted and i'm regularly using soltron to stop crud also. (I have my suspicions where the crap fuel came from and it's not my local marina
I can honestly say both the local volvo dealer and ribcraft were very good at getting this sorted asap, and all is ship shape again