10 March 2003, 18:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Its a 30ft rib with a Kad300 in her and is used as an egsample only.At standstill she is down by the stern bye 4 inches up the tube.She has a lot of weight forward,So imagine what it would be like withought the forward weight or Cabin.She will not look right .UnTill you gun here.And Im no expert or even a DIY person , this is a Generated as a predicted hull model with weights, to see what she would in theory float like if it were built.Which it will never be as she will never conform to the New leisure craft RCD cat B offshore stability tests requirments for leisure craft.
I am aware that RCD is not important to you.But its for refrence only and food for thought,as with all the other stuff your thinking about.
Good luck you may find this an alternative to a fag packet see http://www.formsys.com/Maxsurf/MSPro...RHydromax.html
Know be fair dont you think specilist advice maybe needed before you cut any holes in her at this stage of your project.Or consult with JK or AP they have done it with a rib.
Good luck anyway.
11 March 2003, 09:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
This above Cabin model is a lot heavier than your proposed boat, therefore it floats so far down at the stern.
With your proposed weight being lighter and forward weight and tanks ect,and APs recommendations My belief is that the engine should should be left where it is,as Per AP recommendations. The above boat weight is aprox 3.5 ton fully loaded.
That is my personal view only on this very difficult decision IMHO. But good luck .Keep it simple is a good philosophy,and when in dought do nought is also relevant.
Most important of all is, What do Humber recommend its there boat design and I would think they will recommend what is best for there hull design?
I am not purporting I know about the stability of your Humber boat and would not want the responsibility of directing you incorectly, but I do feel It is prudent to reavalute imformation as it comes in and maybe be prepared to change ones initial view based on differnt imformation that becomes relevant from those who may of used it ,or designed it, or built it If I am unsure in anyway of your own experiance on this very difficult decision.
Good luck
12 March 2003, 00:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Are the any updates on this topic or changes of oppinion on the subject of {Where Should JW stick his engine}  LOL
12 March 2003, 08:08
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If he can afford it, maybe he should employ the professional services of Manos the marine consultant, that would put this to bed, once and for all!
I'm losing the will to live with this subject!
12 March 2003, 08:44
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
12 March 2003, 09:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
 Bit of good news JW,I have asked friend who actually has Humber 8.5 with a Kad 44 in her and uses the boat commercially.
Its a winner with the engine in the stern as per APs advice.He is based in Scotland and your welcome to go and Have a look and a discusion. He is happy with her and its the same weight of engine as the Kad 300.JW if you would like, pm me I will give his details.
I hope this finally puts this one to bed.Good luck and also the good news is she is a great boat offshore.
12 March 2003, 11:47
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
If were're speaking about Pete Fowler, yep, but he's fitted trimtabs ( other post on this site ) and he carries 12 people up front.
Thanks though.
12 March 2003, 12:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
My money is on you will put her in the stern,your welcome JW
12 March 2003, 15:14
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Originally posted by Jon Fuller
.... he should employ the professional services of Manos .............
14 March 2003, 18:42
Country: UK - England
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Surface drives 4 Crazyhorse
This is what u need!
09 April 2003, 22:21
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Yo, CH.
Just thought I'd make contact and wind you up a bit.
Engine bearers glassed in. Made them from solid oak. Home grown in the garden. How's that for DIYing? Cool or what?
09 April 2003, 22:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Hay JW missed ya,I often drive down the road thinking ,what ya up to and we havent heard from you for some time.
J F has his own forum site and Diggi is a changed man, its at www.boatmadforum.co.uk and its Crazy.So see you here and there for a bit of fun.
I am running both on my screen and its a little confusing at times.
That is Cool, And yes you are a serious DIYer
09 April 2003, 22:40
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Thanks for the link CH. I'll go and have a look.
16 April 2003, 00:08
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Hi JW howes it going with the Boat,looking forward to a meet up next yr,off sky for a glass of malt.
Yep CH, that would be good. I see you visited the southerners the other day. Met JF and Fi P in the flesh, so to speak.
With the boat, as usual I’m under estimating the length of time it takes to do things when you work alone. However, as I mentioned before, the engine bearers are in place and the transom plate and engine have had a trial fit. They now need to go back in for a while while I work out the layout of the ancillary equipment, batteries etc. Been working on the final build of the trailer today. Nearly done. The new boat has been on the trailer belonging to the old boat for a while. The old boat is motoring through the lawn! So I need to complete the new trailer and reunite the other two. I can then put the old boat on the market. Having said that, I’ll miss it. It’s an old friend and we’ve been lots of places together. Once all that is taken care of, the next step is to make the fuel tanks and get them fitted under the deck. Then it’ll become more enjoyable. I have a seat mould and these will need to be made. I’m pretty sure we’re going for a consol we can sleep in. The designs are roughed out but nothing is finalised yet. I’m a bit stuck as to what to do in terms of an ‘A’ frame to support the radar etc. Got lots of ideas but I need to do some research and a bit more brain strain is necessary. So, there you have it. That’s the state of play at the moment. I'm having withdrawal symptoms though. All this lovely weather and I'm not out on the sea.
Cheers for now, JW.
16 April 2003, 00:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
Yep met up with the JF and the Fi crew,Had a brill day all boats and engines,lucky the other half was at home.
I take it you going to use the room aprox amidships for a 2 berth cabin?
I looked at this and I think its a great idea,We are sticking 2 Transome legs on ours either side of the outdrive, so she can wind them down and take the ground.
Yes were haveing brill weather and I look forward to the Launching party,Mine may be here by then,Hopefully keep us posted as its a serious and very interesting jobee.Can you make Rib Net conference?
16 April 2003, 00:58
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
CH. I've just realised we didn't fill in the blank about the moving the engine forward a bit. Ah, well. The engine is at the stern. There was going to be a major problem and/or strengthening when fitting the Volvo. I fitted the transom plate first and also removed about 100mm of the deck at the transom. Partly to allow space for the transom plate but also to see inside the hull. Initially, everything looked spot on for the Volvo. The stringers are placed with about 25m clearance on each side of the engine mountings so that looked promising. However, the Volvo has an air feed pipe/silencer from the air filter to the superchanger and this stands proud of the engine side and wont allow the engine to fit between the stringers. There were a couple of other brackets that protruded too but a hacksaw sorted them. Well, a bit of engineering work actually, but it involved the hacksaw! I swithered about this for quite a while but arranging to move the air pipe would have meant serious modifications to the engine. The type which would probably invalidate the warranty, er, no, certainly invalidate the warranty.
The stingers are at there lowest vertical height at the stern and, therefore, the least amount of material needs to be removed at this position. If I had gone ahead with the move forward, it would have necessitated removing about half of the height of the stringer on one side then lifting part of the deck, to the outside of the stringer, to strenghthen that area. This was all getting a bit silly so the idea was dropped.
Meanwhile, as I mentioned, a plan was developing to include a permanent sleeping space and the weight of this will help to balance the boat, so it's still looking good.
16 April 2003, 10:52
Country: UK - England
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JW, wow someone else doing big changes. Any chance of some pics ? sure the forum would like to see it as you progress. Don't worry about the quality, its the contents we want to see, loose wires and grp being laid etc.
Wish you luck, and I agree under estimating how long every part takes is a common problem that I have too,
16 April 2003, 18:18
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
You dont get much more serious stuff on a boat than what you lads are doing,exept maybe making a hull,So any pics will be of great interest.
I looked at what your doing as the price of a Cabin rib is so high and it was an alternative as I believe the benefits of a cabin rib can not be matched by any other form of cruising boat.
As they make the ultimate cruising machine,So pete 7 and JW any picks will be great and info.
JW it may be worth considering getting the Cabin done in Alli ?
Good luck
16 April 2003, 22:05
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: HumberOceanOffshore
Length: 8m +
Engine: Volvo KAD300/DPX
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 5,596
Hi guys. Pics a bit difficult, I don't have a digital camera. I still use film. I like vinyl rather than CD's too! I'll see what I can do though. Trailer's finished and the boat is on it. I'll adjust the rails and rollers tomorrow and also get the old boat off the lawn and back onto its trailer. I'll be able to go boating again. I've forgotten how to do it. November was the last time. (Boating, that is.)
Alloy cabin CH. Sorry, not for me. Aluminium is an excellent conductor of heat = cold and condensation. I don't want a cabin, just sleeping quarters/storage. Much of the enjoyment, for me, is being in the open air. A few years ago I fitted a roof to the boat. Occasionally, it was useful in the rain but it was always cold. It's surprising just how much heat the sun provides, even on a dull or overcast day.
You dont get much more serious stuff on a boat than what you lads are doing,exept maybe making a hull
Funny you should say that CH. It was the original plan for when I retired, but personal circumstances changed necessitating things being brought forward a couple of years.
16 April 2003, 22:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
Length: 8+ft
Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 1,012
It will be an interesting rib for sure,Looking forward to your move into the digital age JW
Are you putting an 8 track sterio onboard or just a Mono valve radio or are you growing your own crystals on a bit of wire ?
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