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Old 16 February 2003, 11:38   #81
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Oh Oh! It looks like this thread is over.
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Old 16 February 2003, 12:34   #82
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It isnt over till the fat lady sings,

Charles does have a point,the problem is how do we get our strongly felt views over without upsetting each other.If you own a rib,that was purchased a couple of yrs ago then at that time you went for the best techi available,at that time.

Things change and time moves on,it is not very nice to find out that the best rib in the world to you is maybe now a little outdated in others views,or the kit you have on her is regarded as old hat due to developments by manufacturers.

My overiding feeling is that when we all meet up things will be completely different as quite frankly if your a good fun sort of bloke and decent,then I dont give a monkees what sort of boat you have,or your views on trim tabs or anything else for that matter.As Manos is a good bloke and dare I say it so was Flanker in my opinion.

The problem with internet forums is we get an imaginary impression of what the other person is like,but if you have ever been on a blind date you will realise,it is never the same as what you imagined it to be,{having met a 20 stone darling in my past life} Therefore we react without feelings and can be overly critical of each other.

We need to remember that we are all people with feelings and dreams behind our names what are sometimes swathing comments can hurt others,and it is certainly is not my intention to ever try and upset somebody for the sake of it.Although if somebody post something I disagree with then I shall say so,in my humble oppinion.

We maybe should all be more helpful to each other and try and get away from this " I'm always right! response,as we are all always right given our own experiences at that point in time. Some have more on a subject others have less. Thats All.

So Diggi please try and be nice as your experience on speed and the workings of gearboxes will be good for us all to learn,and Charles you have been most helpfull in doing somethings for me,and I thank you,JW your drive and engine info is of real use,as I wasnt aware of the drives capabilities and we have both made in my opinion the right choice at this point in time,Next yr there will be others that can demonstrate there own new engine/drive systems that will proberbly knock spots off ours,but who realy cares,becouse I dont.

When we all see each other on the water we will welcome each other with open arms Im sure,so lets not get bogged down before that happens with loads of meaningless nastiness as we will all lough about it later on,out on the sea.

And if foggy reads this then lets have a laugh about 35knts in fog and not take it to heart as I'm sure he doesnt do it all the time,and if you do then so be it.

So in conclusion lets all remember we are human beings and maybe we have ideosyncracies like my crap spelling,but I am not a bad person,and hopefully neither is diggie or charles,just bored cos were not out on the water,where we will all meet up and it will be a laugh,thats what I am looking for.

Im also of the opinion that if we saw anybodys rib or boat on the slip,no matter what has been said on here before,we would go over and introduce ourselves and have a laugh with that person and be left with the feeling of how daft we were to think bad of them.

So realy it means nothing in the real world what we say on a forum, therfore we might as well say nice things and wherever possible help with Techi problems,as no matter what we do it will only influence each other in the short term, as we will make our own minds up when we meet up as it does in the real world.This is a virtual arena,nothing more or less,and it can never be anything more than that.

Dont take it personaly - JK

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Old 16 February 2003, 17:08   #83
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Well said.....and enough said.
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Old 16 February 2003, 21:43   #84
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Could not be said any better!!

Reporting from Cyprus (Just arrived and had the worst flight EVER!! )
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Old 16 February 2003, 21:47   #85
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Take car on them planes matee, not a good time to be jetting around the world,remember you have a date with your rib comming up soon so try and keep yourself in one piece.

Take care Manos from me and All on Rib net
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Old 16 February 2003, 22:11   #86
Country: Greece
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Thanks mate will do. Cheers
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Old 23 February 2003, 21:11   #87
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Wheres Diggie gone?

I need some imfo on my engine revs and prop size/ speed and prop height with spacers in or out.?

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Old 24 February 2003, 11:57   #88
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They seek him here.....

Originally posted by crazyhorse
Wheres Diggie gone?
CH, I believe Diggie Pimpernel is sunning himself at the Miami boat show. Either that or he's been sent to the US as British ambassador.

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Old 24 February 2003, 13:01   #89
Country: Greece
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Re: They seek him here.....

Originally posted by davidmanning
I believe Diggie Pimpernel ......or he's been sent to the US as British ambassador.
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Old 24 February 2003, 23:35   #90
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Diggie goes to Miami Show and couses a rumpus with his Quicksilver Airdeck 2.4 inc bracket.

Yes David he will be saying to a Miami Boat show Avon redcrest Dealer,( look here mate I got a Quicksilver 2.4 its an airdeck and it will blow you all away } Its the one with a Transome so it can take the power? Ok Eh?

Now wheres the footpump section Eh.
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Old 25 February 2003, 11:04   #91
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Originally posted by crazyhorse
Now wheres the footpump section Eh.
Not fair CH. Having a dig at Diggie while he's incommunicado is not the done thing. I wouldn't dream of doing that. I should think he'll be back soon anyway as his legendary diplomatic skills will ensure an early deportation.

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Old 26 February 2003, 10:42   #92
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I'm back, and if I didn't know better I would think you missed me.

David is correct, I have been to the Miami show to check out all the new products, like for instance a Volvo composite drive, nothing to corrode, ideal for those who keep their boat on a mooring.

The one thing I did notice is the lack of ribs at the show, you could probably count the amount of them on one hand, why is this Crazyhorse?
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Old 26 February 2003, 12:00   #93
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I gather that the first question Americans ask about a boat is "Can you go fishing from it?"
The answer of course is yes, but they take one look at the rubber tubes and wonder if their fish-hooks will puncture it.

So RIB's are a no-no as far as the US in general is concerned.

I can also think of two more reason why they are not as popular there:
-will the tubes go pop in the sun?
-why do they cost so much compared to a hard boat?

I guess maybe one or two people sit back and think....."so why are RIB's used by the Marines, the Green Berets, other special forces, the Coastguard, offshore oil rigs, those crazy Europeans etc etc then?" And they are the few who actually do go out and buy one.

But heck, why am I trying to second guess our Colonial cousins?
Sirzip and others? What's the answer then?
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Old 26 February 2003, 17:16   #94
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Way, Hay look what the tides washed up its DD.

Got any more picis for us on the drive gearbox etc will it fit a Kad DPG housing?

Its all about Education Brian

If you have the best Hoover in the world and you leave it in under the stairs nobody is going to buy it,untill somebody realises thay need a special hoover for the Job.

It will be a massive market when they realise the versatility of ribs especially in the northern climates where the ruffty stuff and nast lumpy waves are,they are moveing in that direction Imho.

I would like to be behind a big budget selling ribs over there as it is such a massive marketing potentiel.
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Old 26 February 2003, 18:05   #95
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Sorry, didn't take any photos of it, will probably be on Volvo website. As for fitting on a DPG transom, unlikely I would think, as they make a composite transom assembly for it. I don't think it's available for a diesel, as the Yanks prefer petrol, and most of Volvo is American.

I asked Volvo representative why they had discontinued the DPX, and he said "because they were shite". I'm not sure I agree with that, but they were his words not mine.

Out of interest, I spoke to Pulse Drive rep, who was very sad as they had a Scorpion 10 metre with 420 Yanmars stuck in customs, they were awaiting clearance but didn't expect to get it released until after the show had finished.

He said that if Scorpion had delivered on time, they would have been exhibiting it, oh well, never mind.

Oh, I didn't get deported, but then I didn't get asked to stay longer either!
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Old 26 February 2003, 18:17   #96
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What do you think of the pulseee Drivee as we better call it if we are going to discuss its merits and downfalls
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Old 26 February 2003, 18:34   #97
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My opinion, for what it is worth, is that the drive has it's merits, and probably works well on certain hulls.

I believe Revenger have had a bit of a disaster with one, but maybe it was the wrong hull.

There is a raceboat fitted with one in the States, but as you don't like powerboats you wouldn't be interested in the fact that it won its class in the championship.

Now how about the Eco drive, that might be more up your street. There is a rib being built in Southampton that is having one of these beauties, ( looks like a copy of a Levi drive) coupled to a 300hp V8 chevy based diesel.

Would you like to see a photo?
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Old 26 February 2003, 18:41   #98
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CH, I've put a pic of volvo's tupperware drive on the cabin rib developments thread
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Old 26 February 2003, 19:21   #99
Country: Greece
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Was JF and DD together in Miami??

Just a thought and my private eye will let me know. He's got the proof and will post it soon
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Old 26 February 2003, 19:25   #100
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using words like "proof" makes it sound like an accusation! should I expect a court summons soon
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