WARNING-Gearbox drain fibre washers causing screws to loosen
If you've recently put new fibre washers on after a gear oil change on a Yam,a Mercury or a Mariner, go back and check how tight they are.
I recently did my yearly gear oil change, and found my drain and level plugs rather looser than they should be-still needed a screwdriver to undo them, but much looser than I'd done them up to- and a tiny bit of discolouration to the gear oil.
After a chat with the guy I get all my parts from, it appears that both Yamaha and Merc/Mariner have changed the composition of the gearbox drain fibre washers and they compress much more than the old type. He's been seeing the same thing on a regular basis.
So, I went back after a week and retightened mine after this oil change. Shockingly,I got 1/4 turn on it.
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