30 September 2012, 13:51
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 546
What Aux?
What aux do you think id be best using? Rib is 4.5metres so do i get small 3/4 hp 2 or 4 stroke or an electric with good thrust power, oars or call rnli for tow back in should the main break down???
30 September 2012, 14:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Globe
Boat name: Floaty Weirdo
Make: 15m bigego
Length: 10m +
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Posts: 114
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
30 September 2012, 14:02
Country: UK - Wales
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Posts: 1,012
2.5 to 4hp would be plenty, two stoke better because the casing's are usually slimmer, so shouldn't restrict the lock of your main engine. always worth having oars or paddles, preferrable the push together ones.
ps I've neither of these items for sale btw.
30 September 2012, 14:25
Country: Germany
Town: Nuremberg
Boat name: November
Make: Avon Searider 4M
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 55
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Posts: 313
I use a 2HP 4-Stroke honda on a Auxiliary Bracket for my 4 metre RIB, but a 2-Stroke would be prefereable- just don't wanna sell my honda.. 3-4 HP would be best, but it depends on the conditions you leave in.
i have Paddles too, the Push-Together type
And neither i am selling anything of the above
Searider+Yamaha+Land Rover= :D :D
30 September 2012, 14:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 119
Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
Thats a bit strong isn't it! I think there is a wealth of expert info on here. Has someone on here upset you by giving you duff info? I wish I had something to sell the OP 😋
30 September 2012, 15:07
Country: USA
Town: New Jersey
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Posts: 234
A 3.5hp two-stroke pushes my sr6 along just fine at 3-4 kt
30 September 2012, 15:23
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
Originally Posted by CornishAvon
Thats a bit strong isn't it! I think there is a wealth of expert info on here. Has someone on here upset you by giving you duff info?
Aye, some tw@t told him to use galvanised coach bolts on his console and he hasn't got over it yet.
30 September 2012, 15:25
Country: UK - England
Town: Northumberland
Boat name: Northern Storm
Make: North Diver?
Length: 4m +
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MMSI: 235096344
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Posts: 546
Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
Im in the RNLI haha but still a newbie, to be honest its only god forbid it was needed then id have it there as dont really want to be towed in by the lads haha,
30 September 2012, 15:28
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 119
Originally Posted by willk
And his trailing fairy lights shorted out! :-)
30 September 2012, 15:29
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 14,932
Originally Posted by Gramas
What aux do you think id be best using? Rib is 4.5metres so do i get small 3/4 hp 2 or 4 stroke or an electric with good thrust power, oars or call rnli for tow back in should the main break down???
Electric is not up to that job. Paddles are only of limited use for short distances in still current-free water but worth having on board. A 3-4 hp engine would most likely be ideal - check what space you have (turn main engine - check clearance) and how long the shaft needs to be. You might get away with a short shaft on that size of RIB - depends.
Whatever you do, do not be tempted to use an old plasterer's mixing rod and a battery drill...
30 September 2012, 15:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Northampton
Make: RibTec
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Posts: 506
Al little harsh there SPARERIBS.
I am also thinking of a aux. 2-5hp 2 stroke seems to be the best options. but I am a little tight on space at the back end.
The guys on here are very knowlageable on all things rib related.
I have and do trust their advice. I even give some myself from time to time.
I am not a firm in any way like most people on here.
The people on here who do run companies are always helpfull and some even give us good discounts for ribnet members.
why on earth would you use galvanised coach bolts to hold anything on a rib . they will just corrode like crazy. !???
stainless or glass it down is the only way.
30 September 2012, 15:35
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Girvan & Tayvallich
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Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
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I have a 4 hp four stroke that pushes my 5.85 ribcraft fine if needed, I also have adjustable paddles for some extra manovering
'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
Member of SABS ( Scottish West Division)
30 September 2012, 15:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Northumberland
Boat name: Northern Storm
Make: North Diver?
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 90 Autolube
MMSI: 235096344
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 546
Originally Posted by jezza2011
Al little harsh there SPARERIBS.
I am also thinking of a aux. 2-5hp 2 stroke seems to be the best options. but I am a little tight on space at the back end.
The guys on here are very knowlageable on all things rib related.
I have and do trust their advice. I even give some myself from time to time.
I am not a firm in any way like most people on here.
The people on here who do run companies are always helpfull and some even give us good discounts for ribnet members.
why on earth would you use galvanised coach bolts to hold anything on a rib . they will just corrode like crazy. !???
stainless or glass it down is the only way.
Thats why i joined and even though ive fished all my life, weld boats for living, owned and restored a 14ft dejon to summer fish off, i joined rnli to gain a vast amount of sea knowledge then got the bug for ribs, joined here to get info then bought one!
Im a newbie to the rib scene and cant wait to buy bits n bobs making boat safe, hence the aux.... always plan ahead in my eyes
The wealth that alot of guys on here have is what i aspire to & in years to come i will be happy if im halfway there.
Getting back to the thread of "what Aux" they look very old fashioned but how about an old seagul? they great little workhorses just not modern looking
30 September 2012, 15:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Nuneaton
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Engine: opti 150
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Posts: 557
paddles & anchor are a must and i have a 5hp 4s hidea for sale  lol seriously as an aux i would say 4-6hp as they have an inbuilt tank ,though if you have a 2s i guess it`s no biggy as you can always add your mixing oil.... lots of ribbing going on this forum though rofl
30 September 2012, 16:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Marple
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Posts: 658
Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
Speak for yourself mate!!
Oh and on the OP's question I'd go for a lightweight 4 stroke maybe the Mariner 3.5hp, only weighs 17kg
30 September 2012, 16:04
Country: Germany
Town: Nuremberg
Boat name: November
Make: Avon Searider 4M
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yam 55
MMSI: 211748930
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 313
the Honda BF2.3 weights 15KG filled with petrol and oil
An Aux always should have an independet fuel supply.
Searider+Yamaha+Land Rover= :D :D
30 September 2012, 16:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Northumberland
Boat name: Northern Storm
Make: North Diver?
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 90 Autolube
MMSI: 235096344
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 546
Originally Posted by bingosucks
paddles & anchor are a must and i have a 5hp 4s hidea for sale  lol seriously as an aux i would say 4-6hp as they have an inbuilt tank ,though if you have a 2s i guess it`s no biggy as you can always add your mixing oil.... lots of ribbing going on this forum though rofl
Hidea ? Price?
30 September 2012, 16:34
Country: UK - England
Town: Sheepy Parva
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Posts: 1,731
Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate
Including yours, presumably? :-)
30 September 2012, 16:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Nuneaton
Boat name: ribbit
Make: ring
Length: 6m +
Engine: opti 150
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 557
Originally Posted by Gramas
Hidea ? Price?
sorry i do jest
problems with the hidea are a virtual zero resale value ,i don`t actually use it anymore but do occaisionally stroke it lol
for your info though ,i have been very pleased with mine and will hang on to it as i think it`s an excellent engine
30 September 2012, 17:39
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by spareribs
you wont get a sensible answer on here mate, not one that I would trust , phone up the rnli and ask them, at least its from the horses mouth. You dont know who's who on here. All you'll get is a load of mixed opinions from people who think they are all experts. This site is really an SEO operation for rib related firms. If someone on here has a 5 hp engine for sale , they will say 5hp etc. You get the picture !
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