Yet another post, sorry all, just having engine fun, trauma and mild stress tinged with elation lol..
Is it worth a sticky or faq as to what engine actually is what, for certain ?.
I know KNOW that the Mariner 15 - 1987 to 94 IS a yamaha 15 in entirety, contacted a friendly Mariner bod in the UK today (Aint Skype great?), who confirmed it too, as do the tech drawings.
So, we have options as to where and what spares we buy knowing they will fit.
I know there is much talk of "I am fairly sure xyz is abc", but when we are certain, might be worth a faq.
I have not get web space, but as another idea, how about an area to list pics of various engines, powerheads etc, also, if and when we strip them, a few pics too. I am perfectly happy to upload many pics of a seagull rebuild I did a few years back in great detail, also, could take many shots of the tohatsu 18 E2 2006 model I have, the Yam 2B and the Mariner = Yamaha 15 so folks can compare.
Just a thought, might save us all a few pennies and much surfing and midnight oil.
Here are a few examples of the ol´seagul strip n build. just to show you waht I mean, I for one would appreciate shots of powerheads etc to compare.
Sorry for wandering, its the sun ya know.
(The email addy on the pics is incorrect now, just to get the pic so to speak....)