Ta da,
Bought this of a local dive club they purchased the rib from new.
Serviced it the first year and there after abused it for 9-years, they never serviced it nor cleaned It. well looks like its never seen fresh water + soap,
Best boat decals I have ever seen in my life, the boat name was painted onto the hull with a 2” paint brush,
They heard the alarm sound shortly after launching, there words not mine, I heard the alarm did not know what it was so gunned it back to land for safety!!! (Kid you not)

Any way pics,
Striped due to seizure as water pump shafted, (lots of bits)
Bores scored and pistons up the swanny
+30 thou hone job now done, (bores looking good now)
Decoke exhaust chamber / remove all bad castings whilst in there, bit of a mod,
heads cleaned ready for surface grind and to be repainted after chemically cleaning.