03 September 2004, 13:20
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester - Abersoc
Boat name: MeMe
Make: SeaPro 595CC
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Posts: 1,684
Which one is faster, 135 or 140.....
....Two engines, straight from the factory on the same rib with the same driver in the same conditions - the same everything. Which one gets to the finishing line first.
A. Mariner 135 optimax.
B. Suzuki 140 Ultra Longshaft 4 stroke.
A or B - simple !
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03 September 2004, 13:39
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by MeMe
....Two engines, straight from the factory on the same rib with the same driver in the same conditions - the same everything. Which one gets to the finishing line first.
A. Mariner 135 optimax.
B. Suzuki 140 Ultra Longshaft 4 stroke.
A or B - simple !
Same everything .... means same finishing time
03 September 2004, 13:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Farnborough
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Make: Cobra
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Posts: 2,369
On a light boat, I'd put my money on the opti I think.
03 September 2004, 13:46
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
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I'd think the Opti too. But not by a significant margin.
03 September 2004, 18:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Looe
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Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury
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Posts: 1,409
Thats an odd question!!, only because when i get back to work next week i have to do a comparison betwwen the 140 suzuki, 135 opti and a 115 opti, to trial a replacement engine for one of the MOD boats. So i will let you know very soon for definate.
03 September 2004, 19:02
Country: Ireland
Town: Carigaline/Baltimore
Boat name: XS-600
Make: XS-Ribs
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc Optimax 150 XL
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Posts: 682
I'd say the Opti, but then I would say that wouldn't I!!  The Optimax should destroy the Suzuki on acceleration but the extra 5hp might help the Suzzy to catch up. Depends how long the course is!! There isn't much of a difference performance wise between the 135 and 150 Optis, in fact you'd need a stopwatch to tell the difference. Drove my friends 135 on his Tornado 585 and then drove my 150 on my XS 600. Impossible to tell the difference and leads me to believe that the 135 is actually producing closer to 140. My local Merc dealer also agrees saying that the main reason people buy 150s is for the numbers on the cowling!!
Steve G
If In Doubt, Go Flat Out!!
03 September 2004, 22:19
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I'd love to see the results of this with the 2 engines being fitted on exactly the same hull with same weight etc....
I would guess that the optimax would lead the way from the throttle opening with (marginally  ) faster acceleration and perhaps faster top end - the Suzuki feels probably about as pokey as my old 70hp 2-stroke on 5m rib with acceleration I think.
However, what would also be interesting though would be to fill the boats with say 8 people and then see what the difference is.
One thing for sure though is that the Suzuki will be quieter
03 September 2004, 23:36
Country: UK - England
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However, what would also be interesting though would be to fill the boats with say 8 people and then see what the difference is.
I suspect the opti being a V6 would cope much better with a load than the suzuki.
04 September 2004, 02:16
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 257
Isn't the optimax lighter too though?
"I'm not lost, I'm exploring...."
04 September 2004, 06:44
Country: UK - England
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Make: Ranieri
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Engine: Suzuki 115hp
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which is lighter?
Not according to their web sites:
Mercury 135 Opti: 195kg (I think that't the longshaft - they usually quote for the lightest)
Suzuki DF 140 UL: 191.0kg
04 September 2004, 16:00
Country: UK - England
Town: Looe
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Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury
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Posts: 1,409
Well thats just what i have to do, Run the Boat light with each engine and then put the boats full load in which i think is about 800-1000kgs. Then prop the boat for each engine and see how it handles and all the usual stuff. Write a report and bobs your uncle!.
04 September 2004, 20:20
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 970
Just an observation, Turbodiesel, but your profile seems to show you owning what I presume is a Ribcraft 4.8m with a 115hp engine!!?? This RIB is rated for a 60hp  More to the point, does this mean I can fit a 90hp to my 4m Searider?
By the way, does anybody else find this '+' sign on members' RIB length confusing? When you own a pocket RIB, 0.2m here or there can be very significant, you know  And I notice mine has been relegated from a '4.0' to just '4' which looks even more sad and insignificant!
06 September 2004, 19:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Looe
Make: Delta
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,409
Well i dont actually own the Ribcraft its one of the many ribs we use for Engine trials at work. But it is my job to trial all the new engines and look after all the boats so i get to use them when i want!. The Ribcraft is a Brand new 5.85m which is why it has a 115 Four stroke on it!.
I dont know why it says 4+ but i guess it is a 4+ meter boat!.
The Ribcraft is the one im using at the minute though.
06 September 2004, 19:52
Country: UK - England
Town: Looe
Make: Delta
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,409
Its ok no need to panic i have changed the length to 5+!!
06 September 2004, 20:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester - Abersoc
Boat name: MeMe
Make: SeaPro 595CC
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 115 4S
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,684
..........I'm looking forward to your comments following your test. Graeme.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
07 September 2004, 07:14
Country: UK - Wales
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Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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In all honesty I'd doubt if there would be any much in it.....say 5- 8 mph at the most and I'd be surprised if the Suzuki was the quicker.
However I am sure you won't have to go too far from your holiday home to find an embryonic Suzuki dealer. if you can hammer out a good price on the Suzuki the it's a no brainer ..........buy the Optimax!
Out of interest why the 135 instead of the 150 opti is it to do with the transom.
One point to bear in mind however is after sales service.......how good is the dealers/distributors ability to get the parts to you. Barrus are crap at it (merc mariner yanmar mercruiser) I think their central spares location is in Belgium.
Suzuki is rapidly expanding it's dealer network It's worth finding out how effective the parts network is. I suspect it may suffer as the market share expands.
Go to a Mercury and Suzuki dealer and as how much and what availability for various bits of kit. Starters/alternators/plugs/injectors/ HT leads/gear box seals etc, and my particular favourite a compressor for a 225 Optimax.
me me whats your phone number I'll give you a call!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
07 September 2004, 08:13
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester - Abersoc
Boat name: MeMe
Make: SeaPro 595CC
Length: 6m +
Engine: Mercury 115 4S
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,684
Hi Rogue, there's no way......
..I'm posting my tel No on here - no way "hose a"
Anyway, thanks for your comments. The reason I asked the question in the first place was to determine simply, which one was th quickest as I have two identical boats to choose from, one has the 135 opti whilst the other has the Suzuki 140. Personally, I like the look of the Suzi so I'm drawn to that, however, if everyone had slated it, I may have gone with the Mariner.
As it happens it looks like I've missed out on the Opti option so the 140 it is.
Thanks to all for their comments, they're much appreciated and as always informative even though you guys have the same problem as me. You can't read instrunctions...... i.e "simple, A or B" and if even if you do, again like me you all run off at the mouth - god I luv ya
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