Originally Posted by IBWET
I know you know yer stuff, but I'd be looking for the source of the water, little embaressed to admit it here ,but I have a new element sitting here,I've never changed the original.
150 f/s still going to suck more than a 90 2/s and never had a problem.
I think the issue is that even a little bit of water starts to significantly reduce the flow of the quicksilver filter as the wadding absorbs it then becomes less permiable to fuel. With an electric pump on the engine (which I guess yours has) then it can probably cope but a normal carb based pump doesn't seem to have enough suck.
The primer bulb may also be a restriction but tried bypassing that the last time I had issues but it didn't seem to help.
I only replaced my filter a few months back (was running on original till then) and it still passed fuel OK, just my engine (50 or 90) couldn't suck it through at WOT. Pipes are all 3/8 ID so I'm assuming the filter is the issue.....
My hope is that with the collection bowl, any water ends up in the bowl and not clogging the filter... That's the hope anyway!
I don't think there is a huge amount of water in there but with condensation, there has to be some.