Having had a 40hp mariner 6e9 on the back of the searider, the time came to retire the well worked engine, purchase an electric start version and keep the original for spares.
I've currently got the old gearbox on the replacement engine as I'm changing all the seals before refitting but when test fitting the prop I've come across a frustrating problem.
The original engine is a ' 6e9 40m S' serial no. 018158. With the prop removed, this is how the shaft looks -
with the thrustwasher fitted and prop installed its a perfect fit in casing -
And here comes the issue, the replacement engine is again a 6e9, this time a ' L 40ELTO91' with a serial no of 503572. With the prop removed the shaft is different as it gets nearer the casing -
and with the same thrust washer results in this-
From my little understanding, the exhaust gases being able to leak from the sides will cause me problems. Having done a lot of searching on locating a different thrust washer to solve the problem and found nothing, I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction?