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Old 13 January 2006, 21:43   #21
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Chris Murray

You may be right about the 2.6 litre E-tecs but they look like the perfect twin engine set-up to me. Much lighter than the 3.3's and a good deal smaller, thanks to the 60 degree V configuration.

Logically, they ought to use less fuel than their bigger block cousins but no doubt someone will correct me on this!

I have the 2006 Evinrude catalogue in front of me. Weights for the 25" versions are:

250 (3.3 litre) - 238kg (534lb)

200 (2.6 litre) - 194kg (427lb)

That's a weight difference of 42kg (107lb) per engine

In a twin set-up, the smaller block engines will be over 15 stone lighter!!!

I hope this is usful info!


Thats one hell of a difference hanging off the transom!!!
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Old 14 January 2006, 08:48   #22
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Originally Posted by Magnum
I'm leaning towards a pair of 225 Optis. They are well proven, light and I am told are supplied with good instrumention although not sure if this is the SC1000 system? Price is good too.
We have a 225 on the demo boat - the SC1000 are the standard instruments and can be linked to any GPS with NMEA output. There is also the option of upgrading to the SC5000 (the instrument in the middle of the picture) which presents much more infarmation. The alternative as already mentioned is to go for a Navman GPS - some of their stuff accepts the Smartcraft interface and will provide an enormous amount of information as well.
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Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 14 January 2006, 09:36   #23
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
the weight saving and promise of being new technology were strong reasons to consider these engines but i would have kicked myself if they proved to be thirstier and more unreliable than an opti

plus dates on when they would be available were all over the place with nothing firmed and i did not want to be in a position of waiting till may/june for an engine and missing out on some fun

plus was not a big deal as i may go for building a bigger model at some time
Hugh trust me they are no thirstier and there no less reliable over the coarse of four or five days crusing in scotland along side someone with a 200 opti on the back of a 6 mtr. rib and my 225 E tec on the back of a 7.3 mtr we were doing on average 60 miles a day all through the rev ranges we worked out that the fuel consumption was pretty much the same and as far as reliablaty I know this is not a commen occurrenece but his compresser blow up just out side the harbour at Tobermory and Mr. E tec had to tow him 26 miles back to Oban the tecnhology is amazing even to the first time you turn the key there is cranking the engine over as the management system knows which piston is next in line for firing and the start is instantaneous very spookie
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Old 14 January 2006, 10:16   #24
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Cookee
We have a 225 on the demo boat - the SC1000 are the standard instruments and can be linked to any GPS with NMEA output. There is also the option of upgrading to the SC5000 (the instrument in the middle of the picture) which presents much more infarmation. The alternative as already mentioned is to go for a Navman GPS - some of their stuff accepts the Smartcraft interface and will provide an enormous amount of information as well.
So if linked to GPS via NMEA output what information is esxchanged/viewable?

I've checked out the Smartcraft interface and it looks pretty comprehensive. Are there any other brands apart from Navman that are compatible?
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Old 14 January 2006, 11:35   #25
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Originally Posted by Magnum
So if linked to GPS via NMEA output what information is esxchanged/viewable?

I've checked out the Smartcraft interface and it looks pretty comprehensive. Are there any other brands apart from Navman that are compatible?
With the sc1000 it is limited to GPS speed, and a couple of other things, with the sc5000 it is fully integrated, so that you have fuel to next waypoint, course to steer to next waypoint and so on - with the Navman stuff it is all on the one screen, so that is a replacement for the sc5000 and a GPS all in one - added to the fact the sc5000 screen isn't the best in the world and it is an expensive unit, I will probably be fitting a Navman unit to the 2006 demonstrator that we are building at the moment - with a Verado 250 on it!

If you go to the Navman website and look ofr the Smartcraft compatible units you will see the amount of combined information is extensive.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 14 January 2006, 17:47   #26
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Milan
I know this is not a commen occurrenece but his compresser blow up just out side the harbour at Tobermory and Mr. E tec
Unfortunately not uncommon! what happened did the feed pipe fracture
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 16 January 2006, 07:59   #27
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
Unfortunately not uncommon! what happened did the feed pipe fracture
He lives in Scotland Rogue wave so all I know is hes had the repair completed but as yet I have no details of the cause but I will find out and let you know
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