29 July 2007, 19:38
Country: Other
Town: Stanley, Falkland Is
Boat name: Seawolf
Make: Osprey Vipermax 5.8
Length: 5m +
Engine: Etec 150
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Who's got the most hours on their Etec?
One of the things I often see about Etecs is that reliability in the long term is unknown because they are "still a bit new".
So, who has one and how many hours so far?
No particular reason for the question, just curious...
A Boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by fibreglass, into which you throw money...
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29 July 2007, 20:19
Country: UK - England
Town: Ramsgate/Plymouth
Make: Ribcraft/Humber
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzuki/Yam 250x2
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 32
some of the quinquari humbers in commercial use will easily put 800 hours on an engine in a year so... best to talk to the commercial users!
29 July 2007, 21:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Devon
Boat name: White Ice
Make: Ranieri
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Are most quinquari humbers fitted with Etecs or DIs?
Interestingly the Etecs on the GB rib challenge Ribcraft were dripping oil all the time the RIB was parked on ther hard at Ribex this year. I wasn't sure whether it was coming from the leg/gearbox join or if it was weeping form the propshaft seal.
29 July 2007, 22:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Ramsgate/Plymouth
Make: Ribcraft/Humber
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzuki/Yam 250x2
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Posts: 32
the quinquaris were fitted with DI'S but now the etecs so depends how old the boat is! Alot of the older Di boats have now been re-engined with etecs anyway
01 August 2007, 07:56
Country: UK - England
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300 on our 200hp in the 2 years we had it.
changed it to another 200ho was i must be happy with the etec.
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
11 August 2007, 10:15
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 794
We are thinking of getting a slightly larger boat next year, and we would like twin engines, i have been offered unbelievable deals on Etec,s to the point that we could have two smaller etec,s for the price of one big Yamaha.
But i have not had any positive feed back on the Etec, the overall engine seams ok but lots of people have had loads of small things like trims bushes collapsing , warning lights that wont go off, paint peeling, and gearbox problems, spark plugs that oil up etc,etc
fingers crossed i have never had a problem with Yamaha, but to put two on the back would almost be the same price as a diesel .hence the idea, any thoughts
Sorry not nicking the tread just that not many people have said what hours they have done and if any the problems they have had.
11 August 2007, 13:41
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
I think that's becuase most ETEC owners really haven't had many problems. I got my 90 ETEC over the winter and first ran in in January, I've been running it regularly without incident since. It's been flawless so far but for one incident with contaminated fuel, quickly resolved by simply switching tanks. I was impressed with how quickly and easily the ETEC recovered from that outside flaw.
I haven't had the motor back to the dealer and I have no hour meter, so I don't know how many hours I've put on it, but I'm very happy with the ETEC. I probably should take it in simply to have the hours checked. I'd have to guess I've put about 80-100 hours on. My boat gets about 5-6 hours/day at every regatta it goes to, most are 5-10 days, and it's been to about 5 regattas, plus a few play days  I'll probably put on another 150-175 hours by the end of October when the US Paralympic Sailing Team selection wraps up.
11 August 2007, 14:09
Country: UK - England
Town: emsworth
Boat name: the black stuff
Length: 8m +
Engine: 2 x 200hp etec's
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Posts: 446
E Tecs
to give you a clue on just how reliable they are in 2006 we sold on ballistics world wide just short off 18000 etec horse power
and we had a hand full of faliures , wich to brp's credit were replaced in 5 working days .
ask yourself before you buy anything from anyone how will you be loked after
and in reality no make is more reliable than any other they all have issues along the way .
its how the engine manafacture looks at it that matters
12 August 2007, 18:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Boat name: The Office
Make: Ballistic
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude 250 etec
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 81
My 250 e-tec is great at speed but is giving overheat warnings every so often below 1200 rpm and putting it into SAFE mode. Had it looked at by the dealer who said it was a sticking thermostat which he cleaned. Two weeks later is starts doing it again.
BRP said it wasn't a warranty problem as it was wear and tear. Needs looking at again but its a pain having to take it round to the dealer and picking it up.
Anyone else having a simular experience.
17 August 2007, 22:48
Country: Norway
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Posts: 155
We bought a Scorpion 8.75 with twin Di 250s three years ago. They have more than 500 hours on them now.
The gearbox on the counterrotating engine has broken 5 times. The powerhead has broken one time. The tilt has broken and some minor electrical problems. One big consern is all the extra mony going to oil and sparkplugs. The sparks have to be changed every 60 hours and the oilconsumtion is high. Although much better on the the e.thech, the sparks do not last more than double the time. My Yamaha has more than 800 hours and is still running on original sparkplugs.
American engines have never offered quality, only big words!
17 August 2007, 23:10
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
Which 300 engine would you go for? Have you tried the Yam 300hpdi?
18 August 2007, 01:03
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
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Posts: 936
You know you want one....
Originally Posted by codprawn
Which 300 engine would you go for? Have you tried the Yam 300hpdi?
The Yamaha Cod... the Yamaha....
18 August 2007, 03:58
Country: UK - Wales
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by pathalla
The Yamaha Cod... the Yamaha....
Heard some bad things about the 300 yam - only a few mind!!!
18 August 2007, 17:29
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 794
[QUOTE=Fjordrafting;214825] We bought a Scorpion 8.75 with twin Di 250s three years ago. They have more than 500 hours on them now.
The gearbox on the counterrotating engine has broken 5 times. The powerhead has broken one time. The tilt has broken and some minor electrical problems. One big consern is all the extra mony going to oil and sparkplugs. The sparks have to be changed every 60 hours and the oilconsumtion is high. Although much better on the the e.thech, the sparks do not last more than double the time. My Yamaha has more than 800 hours and is still running on original sparkplugs.
[B]American engines have never offered quality, only big words! Quote
Unfortunately Its True.
I collected a Mercedes from Stuttgart when thet had just taken over Chrysler
USA, the man in germany said they wanted the prodtivity of the USA but the build quility of the German car maker,
you cant have quality and quantity even Mercedes Benz found that out
Is it all down to cost whats the difference in price between a
250 4/Stroke Suzuki Yamaha or Verado and a 2 Stoke 250 Etec ?
They might be light they might be powerful but if they break.
18 August 2007, 17:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
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Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by Fjordrafting
American engines have never offered quality, only big words!
How come there are websites like iboats that seem to be devoted to helping the yanks keep engines running that must be 30 years plus old with 1000's of hours on most of the them are Johnson or Evinrude.
I may be biased and am certainly not experienced in owning multiple brands however having owned one Johnson (evinrude) I am v. happy to have another.
I would kill for an Etec and would not be put off by the few bad stories you hear on the web. Remember for every bad story on the web there are hundreds of gooduns
18 August 2007, 18:43
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 794
Originally Posted by Chris
How come there are websites like iboats that seem to be devoted to helping the yanks keep engines running that must be 30 years plus old with 1000's of hours on most of the them are Johnson or Evinrude.
I may be biased and am certainly not experienced in owning multiple brands however having owned one Johnson (evinrude) I am v. happy to have another.
I would kill for an Etec and would not be put off by the few bad stories you hear on the web. Remember for every bad story on the web there are hundreds of gooduns
And thats what i am looking for the Gooduns, just dont seam to find any.
Please if any body as done serious hours post it, convert me and i will have a pair next year
18 August 2007, 21:31
Country: USA
Town: Marblehead, MA
Boat name: Bouncy Pumpkin
Make: Avon Searider 5.4
Length: 5m +
Engine: Evinrude 90 E-TEC
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 390
go to www.thehulltruth.com . You'll find evangalists and bashers for every brand. I found enough happy owners there to convince me that the ETEC was a good buy.
You'll never really know about any brand unless you own it yourself. And then by the time you need to replace it, all will have changed.
I just poured the last of my first gallon of XD-100 oil into the reservoir today, so I don't have a lot of hours, but mine's been flawless so far.
19 August 2007, 09:02
Country: Netherlands
Town: Breda
Make: Scorpion
Length: 7m +
Engine: Evinrude 250 DI
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 368
I own an Evinrude 250 DI (BRP), so not an E-tec, but I'm very pleased with it. Drive it hard and every week for two years now.
Sparkplugs need to be replaced every 70 hours, but I clean and regap and use them for another 30 hours. I bought 18 of them real cheap at Sparkplugs.com.
Oil comsumption is a lot but no more than 1:50.
Fuel consumption is reasonably and the acceleration is awful.
Before I had a lot of trouble with an Evinrude 150 (OMC). Breakdown in the middle of knowhere on our way back from Ribex 2005. It did not keep me from going for Evinrude again. There is a great difference between the OMC era and the Bombardier build.
19 August 2007, 17:16
Country: Canada
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Make: Zodiac Hurricane
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Posts: 203
A company here used them for the last year. 200 hp, 800 hours. triple installation, 6 blown power heads. at the end of last year evinrude replaced all three engines for free because of all the lost revenue. They sold all the brand new motors and bought three new Suzuki 250's 700 hours and one small trim problem
19 August 2007, 17:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
Make: Osprey Vipermax
Length: 5m +
Engine: E-tec 300 G2
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Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by MarkM
Fuel consumption is reasonably and the acceleration is awful.
erm are you sure thats what you meant to say?
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