Hi All,
I guess this is probably the best place to post this
I have a 1978 Merc 70hp Blueband outboard, the key switch is knackered, having to start with a screwdriver at the moment and there is no kill switch.
I have purchased a new kill switch and ignition switch, which I have mounted on the dash.
The ignition switch is a 3 pole type, off, accessory, start.
On opening the merccontrol remote, I discover the keyswitch in there has more than three pins
Basically I have the following:
Red : Terminal A on keyswitch, always Live
White : Terminal F on keyswitch, live only in accessory
Orange : Terminal E on keyswitch, live only when starting
Black x 2 : Terminal D on keyswitch
Offcolour Yellow? : Terminal B, goes to common on Gear Interlock Microswitch
Yellow to NC connection on Gear Interlock Microswitch
Grey + White (also links back to accessory terminal) : to Choke Switch
This would make sense as the choke is only operational when keyswitch is in accessory position.
White wire from socket on front of remote to Terminal F - Accessory
Brown wire from socket on front of remote disappears into loom to engine
Black wire from socket on front of remote to Terminal D
The question is, what wires do I need to re-route to the keyswitch on the dash.
Clearly Red is the main feed and should go to the main terminal on the new keyswitch
The blacks must be ground
And the white wire should go to the accessory terminal on the new keyswitch
I'm guessing the Orange Wire should go to the start position on the new keyswitch
The other question is, where should I wire the kill switch?
I have searched high and low for a wiring diagram for this engine, even purchasing a manual off eBay, but unfortunately it turned out to be for newer engines which seem to have a different colour coding.
Can anyone who has delved into these engines before shed any light on this for me, before I wire it up incorrectly and blow something I shouldn't
I would like to wire in Nav lights as well, so that I presume would attach to the white and black wires.
Best Regards