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Old 30 November 2005, 20:00   #1
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
Make: Humber Destoyer 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: Out b 75 hp Marriner
MMSI: 235068231
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Posts: 273
Wont start

Hi just got boat back,from tube overhaul looks like a good job done by Eurocraft,
Rib has not run now for over5 weeks,so I thougth i run it up and winter ise it
But can not get it to start now
There is a spark, on the old plugs,but have put new one,s in.flushed all the old petrol out ,and evan tried a squirt of shure start but no luck any idears please
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Old 30 November 2005, 21:50   #2
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need more symptoms...

...I presume it is turning over ok if you are getting a spark?

...when you say flushed the fuel out - flushed it out the tank - or cleaned the carbs too? Is fuel getting to the cylinders?

...not starting (no firing) or just not running (can you hear it trying to start - spluttering).

...presumably it was fine before you left it for a few weeks?

...2 stroke or 4 stroke - and perhaps some engine details?

Oh and have you checked the obvious, I spent 5 minutes trying to get the engine to start before I realised the killcord was still in my jacket!
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Old 30 November 2005, 22:44   #3
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
Make: Humber Destoyer 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: Out b 75 hp Marriner
MMSI: 235068231
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 273
Thanks for help

Yes turning over ok,it is a pull start so you get tired after a bit,engine is a 40 hp Yamaha 3 cylinder autolube 2stroke,
The kill switch is connected seems ok,there is a spark at the plugs so i presume the kill switch is working correctly (ie You would not get a sprark if it was not in the correct postion).
Does not seem to fire at all
Flushed new clean petrol all the way to top carb (it has individual carbs 3 one for each clyinder linked together.
took the old spark plugs out they seem wet, "with petrol"cleaned them up warmed in ovan evan refitted still nothing tried new plugs no luck evan tried a bit of sure start spray no luck not fireing or splutering
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Old 30 November 2005, 23:02   #4
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Sounds like your getting sparks and fuel to the pots, so they can't be getting there at the right time or in the right amount.

As the only thing thats been done is to leave it for a few weeks then the timing or anything like that can't have changed.

Have you checked the choke mechanism hasn't siezed up during the layup?

Or how about the fuel filter being blocked?

I'd be surprised if the carbs have gummed up after 5 weeks.

Its going to be something simple that you'll kick yourself about.
I once changed the fuel filter on a motorbike after its winter layup and spent days trying to start it, I took everything apart and checked it, except take the filter back out and put it in the right way up so it didn't cause an airlock

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Old 01 December 2005, 18:46   #5
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Humma
Make: Humber Destoyer 5.5
Length: 5m +
Engine: Out b 75 hp Marriner
MMSI: 235068231
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 273
Got it going, arm is acking

Working with Brother "Big Arms"managed to fire up the little beauty,Checked out spark again it was fine,so cleaned spark plugs top pot was dry second one looked dry but third was wet with petrol,anyway cleaned plugs leed pencile electrode sure start in ,full choke and fast excelerater
primed petrol to carbs away she went first pull and then died ,but a few more tries and she now seems ok
Thanks for help stul
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