Yam 28 / 30? issues
Hi Guys,
quick question to you all i have reciently purchased a sib wich came with what was describe as a 30 hp Yam, after reading a a bit on the net i am not sure exactly what it is as the cowling says 30 the only plate on it say 28, so am not sure it is a 2cyl but i also got with it a 2cyl 30AE wich is on the plate with no bottom leg??
Anyhoo the problem i have is starting and idling and re starting after stalling, when she starts from cold it takes a wee while but she gets going and works fine at throttle but dont like idling to much although she will sometimes and then cut out, if she does stall then it takes for ever to get her started again even when she is warm but when she gets going she is fine and you can go all day. its just un-nerving that she takes so long to get started again after she stalls, i have been looking at possibly cleaning the carbs make sure they are not gummed up, has anyone else any ideas as to what could be causing this.
any comments very welcome.