14 April 2019, 11:23
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stewarton
Boat name: Moro
Make: typhoon
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Engine: Yamaha 115
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Posts: 5
Yamaha 115 outboard
Hi All ,
I am a member of a scuba club in Scotland our boat is predominantly used for diving activities. We are having a problem with our engine which seems to have stumped the yam dealers so i wondered if anyone could help as we are at the end of our rope with this so here goes . We have a yamaha 115 4 stroke outboard on our typhoon rhib engine is 6 years old .The problem is at tick over after about a minute or two the tick over speed starts to drop from 8hundred rpm slowly 7,6,5 then cuts out .We have had the engine serviced all filters etc changed engine shows no faults this work is all carried out by official yam dealership . Problem persisted dealer suggested changing an air flow sensor price £260. No improvement . I was doing the i will have a look thing and discovered if i lifted the engine cover the tick over speed came back to normal .We have been using the boat with the engine lid lifted slightly at the front even a small gap of 10mm is enough to run normally. I assumed it was an air flow problem so i removed the front cover and the top internal cover from the engine lid to check if any obstructions .There were none i fitted the engine lid without the covers and locked the catches .The problem reoccoured so back to square one . I also checked if anything was being crushed etc but cant see anything .Suggestions from dealer change the engine  bugger that ,start changing components with the hope of a process of elimination = sound expensive with a small chance of improvement ,live with it  .If anyone has come across this problem or any sensible suggestions would be greatly appriciated .
14 April 2019, 12:53
Country: UK - England
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Does the engine fade away id you lift the idle rev lever beside the throttle , even if you move it a tiny bit?? The idle revs can be changed on the yam instrument engine clock we have...can you do this?? It changed the trolling speed. With the boat on a trailer,with the cover off , does it cut out? Keep us posted , we'll find the answer!! Nik
14 April 2019, 15:39
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Yamaha 115 outboard
This probably doesn’t help but......we had a very old yam 2 stroke once with the same problem and eventually traced it to loose insulation inside the engine cover which was being drawn onto the air intake.
14 April 2019, 15:40
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
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Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
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Posts: 7,557
I have a similar problem with a 25 Suzuki mine will start run at high revs but tick over it dies but if I pump the bulb it come s back if it stalls the only way to get it going is to pump the bulb put in gear and keep pumping the bulb until it gets to about 2-3000 rpm it will then run all day. it's in the shop again Suzuki technical recons fuel blockage it's done 120 hours they have changed the filters but not the high pressure filter which should be done at 1000 hours like you at the end of the tether so I've instructed them to change the inline mesh filter and the low pressure filter plus the high pressure filter which is after the high pressure pump if that fails it goes back to Suzuki for them to sort still under warranty though.
Maybe no help but worth putting it in the mix
14 April 2019, 16:04
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 219
Yeh, thats a point....can you keep the engine idling if you squeeze the fuel bulb??
14 April 2019, 17:09
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stewarton
Boat name: Moro
Make: typhoon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 115
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
yes it does the same if on the trailer running in the tub .The dealers agreed with me after i pointed out what was happening .They had obviously been working on the engine with the cover off .As soon as they tried it with the cover on the problem presented. I havent tried pumping the fuel bulb will try it to see what happens .The rev lever on the console control will keep it running if its set to a higher speed but on our boat if the lever is not down in the parked position we cannot put it out of neutral ? i dont know if this is normal or not as its always been like that .Thanks for the replies .
14 April 2019, 17:24
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 219
Yeh ,its normal re the idle lever....it locks out the clutch and hence you cannot put it in gear with the engine in fast idle.
If when the engine is idling for say 5 mins in the tub/or muffs you put the engine cover on does the engine start to stumble and eventually die??? Just checking I've got that right?
On your yam clock you can increase your idle so you can maybe use that to keep things going until we get this solved.
i'd be dead interested if squeezing the fuel bulb keeps the engine going??
Do you think it sounds as if the engine is been smothered with the cowl on? Pinching some fuel line or obstructing an air passage??
14 April 2019, 19:05
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stewarton
Boat name: Moro
Make: typhoon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 115
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
Yes. doesnt matter where the engine is in sea or tub as for adjusting the idle when the engine is running ok the idle is around 800rpm havent tried adjusting the idle where is the clock ? is this on the engine or console i will try the fuel bulb next time out .I had a look at the throttle stop on the engine and see there is a stop screw its an anti tamper pin type torx head so probably dont want you to mess with it ? As the engine runs fine with the small gap left in the lid we are reluctant to start messing with it .It is also a club boat so a lot of politics goes with it .We have a few members who think dont touch and leave it to the professionals .I see there point but we have spent about £700 now admittedly this covers service items as well but when the professionals dont seem any the wiser .
14 April 2019, 19:16
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,557
In my book is a list for engine tends to stall
Neutral switch failure
Throttle position sensor fail
Iac control system fail
Iac passage clogged
Ecm fail
Wire continuity, connection fail
Fuel injectors clogged
High pressure pump fail
Fuel filters clogged
Clogging bent In proper routing of fuel hose
Not an expert by no means but isn't the cowling designed for the correct intake of air so if fuel was starved would this have an effect at tick over, just a thought with the way it acts with the cowl open a bit
27 April 2019, 06:47
Country: UK - Scotland
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Have you considered contacting Yamaha UK directly the number is 01932 358000 give it a shot and ask for tech support [emoji41]
27 April 2019, 20:59
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Had an old Merc 200 (20hp) that did this. Powerhead to leg gasket was leaking and it was suffocating itself on its own exhaust fumes. Ran fine with the cowl off.
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29 April 2019, 07:42
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stewarton
Boat name: Moro
Make: typhoon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 115
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
Thanks for the input peeps the engine has now started running normally with the cowling locked down .Could this be a temperature thing ? I mean air temperature .
06 May 2019, 20:06
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Stewarton
Boat name: Moro
Make: typhoon
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yamaha 115
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by matata
Yeh, thats a point....can you keep the engine idling if you squeeze the fuel bulb??
I tried pumping the bulb today it did keep going but as soon as i stopped pumping the engine dies down slowly then stops .Ym computer says fuel pump etc all working normally .What do i try next ?
06 May 2019, 21:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
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Posts: 7,557
Mine was the high pressure filter doesn't need much to block it up
07 May 2019, 06:39
Country: UK - England
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sorry my suggestion doesn't apply
07 May 2019, 12:31
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I'd also put my money on the high pressure fuel filter, I'm nearly sure theres a schraeder pressure point on the fuel rail...Before you fiddle with anything involved I'd want to see the fuel pressure at that point when the problem occurs.
11 May 2019, 18:52
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Its gassing itself. Leaking exhaust or the seal behind water pump. Ain't fuel supply nor electrical when it runs with no lid. Its the lack of fresh air.
12 May 2019, 08:34
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Originally Posted by Davie
Its gassing itself. Leaking exhaust or the seal behind water pump. Ain't fuel supply nor electrical when it runs with no lid. Its the lack of fresh air.
I would check Davie's suggestion thouroughly, sounds reasonable, not sure how to check it though, I suppose you could look at parts diagram and identify any parts associated with air intake and exhaust output and follow with inspecting all those.
Check exhaust manifold, check where exhaust actually exits inst partially blocked, may exit through leg or through prop or other.
An interesting bugger of a problem, will be interested to hear the outcome.
I also came across this on the web which may be related allthough diff engine.
from some yachting forum - We have a Outboard powered Hunter Delta. The outboard is 8 HP 2 stroke Yamaha approx 10-15 years old. There is a significant deterioration in the performance of the engine if we keep the lid on the engine well closed. I belive this is principally due to the high level of exhaust gases in the locker.
08 June 2019, 14:29
Country: UK - Scotland
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Ok, I have just had an engine in doing similar to this. Wont idle for long when hot and smokey when restarting "just been serviced".... See the breather hose that goes between the top of the rocker cover and the top of the air box, take it off at the rocker end and put a rubber hose from there to catch tank in the boat. Tell us what happens.
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