After 5 years in hibernation I have recently decided to get my SR4 back up and running.
As expected I knew I would have to throw money at her as many things were seized or corroded however she fired up easily after pre-oiling the cylinders, new fuel and battery. She sounded a bit rough but lovely to hear that 2 stroke rasp again after such a long time
So after stripping and cleaning the carbs, replacing the middle carb cover plate and idle screw (how much!!) and sorting out the gear box seal leak I have encountered a problem that I need some of your expert advice.
Whilst removing the two thermostat bolts one removed easily and the other just snapped off

I was only using a 1/4 inch drive so not a lot of force applied and the bolt is below the thermostat plate so nothing protruding. Is there a way of getting this out by drilling / heat or am I best booking it in with a dealer or engineer (£££££)
Oh the highs and lows of boating.......and I haven't even got on the water yet
I will try to get a close up photo this morning but any advice would be really appreciated.