NeilH ok this is a big ???? everyone asks . I have been down this road alot with my customers and spoken to various top engineers in America about this topic . If we could change jets etc in the carbs and mess around with the fuel systems then Yamaha , Merc , Mariner , wouldnt sell engines as everyone would just do thIS SAVING THEM ALL BIG MONEY . . I have tried changing jets and even though all the carbS etc look the same on the 40 , 50 , 60 etc the fuel and air passages are all different sizes within the units . Changing high , intermediate , idle jets would obviously make engines run either to RICH or LEAN causing piston detination , preignition etc . On the Mariner models there are a few small upgrades that you can make on the 25 and 30 models but as far as I know Yami and very different . Your best bet to get more performance is to play around with engine height , trim angle , and the most important of all PROPS . I wouldnt even consider trying to change parts around personally as you could run into running problems and cause serious powerhead damage . My opinion , cheers baz