Yamaha prop - advice
I've never needed to worry about props (or understand all the varieties) before until the weekend when I ran over a huge discarded rope which tore a blade completely off my stainless steel propeller.
Looking at the prop it has "23 M" stamped on it.
Acccording to Yamaha who I called this is a 13 3/8th diameter and 23 pitch.
I'm going to replace it with the same pitch but Steel Developments only have this stainless steel prop with a 14 1/2 inch diameter.
They say I will get a slightly better top speed, and 100 rpm lower at WOT.
Is this likely to be correct? The only thing that worries me here is that the various other threads on props all seem to say that 23 pitch is too high. I've never known any different!
The engine is a 4 stroke Yamaha 225.
Any views would be much appreciated.