Originally Posted by wavecrosschris
I have a 2004 60hp 4 stroke Yamaha with carbs - it has a digital RPM gauge so I don't know on a scale what it revvs to? - Nothing like a needle to show you where you are and where you should be!  - anybody know what the max is and what a comfortable cruising rpm is???
Not meaning to throw a wrench in the works, but an analog tach wouldn't necessarily mean all that much anyway. It's pretty common that they are a mix-and-match kind of accessory, depending on what the purchaser thinks looks good for that application.
Polwarts suggestion of going to the source is best. However, seeing as his link doesn't work (at least from this side of the pond), I'll give you another:
Enter the year and model, and you get the owners manual on-line. back up a bit and you can get the parts list for the motors as well.