After a failed attempt to wire a trim gauge in i need help!
The gauge has been fitted in the dashboard and the sender wire taken to the engine, the gauge reads up, and reads down when the wire is grounded, so all OK there.
This is where the fun started, the sender has 4 wires, and i couldnt read any resistance between any wires, so assumed there may be a problem with the sender. I spoke to NOS4R2 and looked at the paperwork that came with the gauge, and came to the conclusion that the sender was a variable resistor and was buggered, so i set to dismantling it.
Its never going to go back together, and worse it didnt seem to be a variable resistor,

there is no mecahnical connection between the spindle and the electronics, and there apeared to be a few resistors and an OP AMP in there too. I am thinking it needed a power supply as well as the gauge wire to power up the internal electronics and is a proximity switch.
Does anyone know how it worked before i Mullered it, and if there is a simple variable resistor replacement? the yamaha dealer says there are 3 and 4 wire ones both £130.
Any second hand trim sender of any engine would be a start, i would rather spent half a day engineering a mounting than spending £130 on a sender that may not work with my gauge, when i could spend it on a day out on the boat.
Anyone got any ideas or senders?????