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Old 25 July 2012, 09:10   #1
Country: Australia
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yamaha v4 115 problem??

Hi everyone, have been watching but this is my first thread..

I have just inhereted a yamaha long leg mid to late 90's..

This motor had not been started for 2 years and was in a dry dock. only done 80hours..

I did a commpression test... Fine

Pulled the carbies down did the plugs gave it a good clean and grease and got it started in 3 hours... Purrs like a cat... When i use my forward controls all cables work under hood but gear doesn't engage.. I can put it in gear and spin the prop either way by hand.. Pulled prop off and i can turn the spline with two fingers??

It was running fine before parked and looks new after a good clean..

Got me stuffed, hope you guy's have some ideas's on where to start looking...

How could gearbox not engage from just sitting under a tarp..

Help needed please.

ps great forum.
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Old 25 July 2012, 14:52   #2
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Could the linkage from the remotes not be getting enough travel to actually plop it in gear , even though it looks like there moving ok they could be out of adjustment or
Any other linkages further down the leg that could have come apart ..or siezed.
Unless you've done it I would disconnect the remotes and try move the linkage by hand .

Have you checked the gearbox and refilled with the correct grade of oil ,
Any water come out when you drained it .

how about any mechanism that's out of sync or seized To stop it being started up in gear.
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Old 25 July 2012, 21:50   #3
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Originally Posted by tiny View Post
How could gearbox not engage from just sitting under a tarp..
Corrosion of the shift shaft.

Until the mid nineties, Yam shift shafts were made out of steel. They corrode, get thin, start to twist making gear selection difficult and eventually break.

Drop the leg and look up the mid section with a torch. If its broken, bent or corroded, the replacement part is now stainless steel.

Bad news is that normally its powerhead off to change, however, some clever people have managed to modify the head of the shaft.
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Old 25 July 2012, 23:04   #4
Country: Australia
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Boat name: roxy
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Engine: yamaha v4 115hp
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Thanks guy's, the linkages move the leavers with ease, is there any electronic control in forward controls that would stop it engaging.. Like something connected to the lift up red lever.. Or is it all mechanical.. Also i took the inspection panels off the side of leg and the adjustable nets didn't move at all between neutral and reverse..

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