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Old 18 July 2011, 21:26   #1
Country: USA
Town: Bristol
Boat name: ProJet
Make: Zodiac
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1
Zodiac Pro Jet Waterlogged

Hey guys.

My buddy just bought a Zodiac Pro Jet RIB. It has what I believe (after reading this website) a Yamaha 650CC two stroke PWC motor in it. It ran fine when he bought it but he went to use it yesterday and there was water in the engine compartment up to the head.

I have a few questions.

First of all is this supposed to have a bilge pump? If so I'm guessing it doesn't work.

Secondly what should he do to fix this? I've tried searching the Yamaha PWC forums without much luck.

He pulled the plugs, turned it over and there was water shooting out of the head.

Any and all information is greatly appreciated.

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Old 19 July 2011, 06:17   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Chichester
Boat name: Rib
Make: Avon 450
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yammy 50hp
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 96
Was it running when it suddenly took on all the water? If so it could be a cooling pipe which is putting water into the hull instead of pushing it into the sea. If it is anything like my Avon which it probably is as that runs in a yam 701 lump as well then that could be it. There are a multitude of cooling water hoses and where they run through the bulkheads there are no grommets and one of my hoses had rubbed through.

To check that you could run it on the hose using the flush point. That should highlight a cooling water leak.

If there was a lot of water in the bores then that could also be a cooling issue. The engine doesn't have a cooling impeller and pumps water through the exhaust and block using the pressure from jet drive and the exhaust.

The bilge only works when the boat is under way and uses suction from the jet to suck water from the bilge by another hose
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