I was wondering if any of you wicked reprobates had fitted both your AIS and VHF aerials on the "A" frame and if you did, did it end in catastrophic disaster.
If I take the aerial out of the back of my VHF (DC ground 3db) and plug it into the AIS the AIS performance is awesome.
However, I bought a pukka 161/162 3db AIS aerial...
fitted it to the windscreen frame to keep it more than two meters from the VHF aerial and the the performance is sh1t3. Seems to Tx ok but really poor reception.
I have another aerial exactly the same as the VHF one and that works ok but only if it's grounded to, and near the "A" frame. Tried various cables, connectors and locations but it looks like it has to go on the "A" frame about a meter away from the VHF aeriel.