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Old 12 January 2012, 08:31   #1
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AIS display on a PC

I've got a new 'idea' I'd like to get working, no idea if it is practical!

I have HomePort on my PC with the local charts is now showing AIS for my area on their website, not sure who is providing it but it seems to work reasonably well, however the Marinetraffic site uses a Google Maps base map which is not very good - to the extent the coastline is quite a long way out in many areas. Not a major problem, just annoying, so I wondered if it could be improved on

Is there any way of getting AIS data off the web and into Homeport and displaying as part of the chart data? Or even from an AIS receiver, into Homeport, if I bought the hardware? Or is it all too complicated ... which I suspect will be the case

Is anybody running an AIS receiver setup at home - if so what do you use? I suspect most people on here probably just use websites as the coverage seems pretty good in UK & Europe, and they are free....
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Old 12 January 2012, 09:22   #2
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One thing I've found helps is change the view from map to satellite in google, seems to be more accurate round coastlines.

Know what you mean though, I'd like to be able to do the same. My own receiver wouldn't work though, wouldn't get the coverage.
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Old 12 January 2012, 10:58   #3
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I'm not sure how you'd get the raw AIS data (lat,long, speed etc) off the web to pass to Homeport. I guess you can get it but it may well be a subscription service. The other option is to get yourself a damn tall mast and pop a good AIS receiver at the top
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