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Old 18 March 2011, 08:21   #1
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AIS to Garmin 750


After a conversation last night i think i would like to fit an AIS receiver to the rib.

We have 2 networked Garmin 750 plotters which i am 99 % sure can take an AIS Input. i assume the AIS input would be direct to one of the plotters so not sure if the information would be reflected on the other screen but thats not a big issue really.

so the question... i dont doubt the benifit of AIS but what will it actually show on my plotter? can any of you with AIS receivers post any pictures of what it shows on the plotter??

Final question..... anyone on here care to fit it for me? needs to be done on the water which should be a massive issue?

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Old 18 March 2011, 08:24   #2
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Yep, it will work. And you can get it on both by getting the NMEA2K version.

Erin posted a few spics of his old plotter showing AIS data in his Digital Yacht ANT200 thread.
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Old 18 March 2011, 11:34   #3
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See my post here
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Old 31 March 2011, 12:26   #4
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i have dug up this old thread as didnt feel it appropriate to put this on the "high speed ferry accident" thread.

If a boat had an AIS transmitter and it was transmitting its particulars, i assume this would show up on the bridge of a large (or any for that matter) vessel. maybe it would cause a collision alarm to sound based on the track of the two vessels?

Would the AIS signal provide a fall back to visual sight or radar sight?

Most ribs will have a very small radar reflection, even with a reflector, so would this assist.?

i ask for no other reason than to reconfirm my desire to fit an AIS transmitter rather than just a receiver on our rib. are there any restrictions around doing this? ie, does a vessel have to be a certain size before it can be allowed to transmit an AIS signal?
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Old 31 March 2011, 13:05   #5
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When AIS first came out the big ships were only concerned with their transmissions, more recently they have started to look at the details of surrounding vessels and now any new bridge equipment must show AIS targets.

So yes, a small RIB that might not otherwise be seen will stand a better chance of being spotted or triggering an alarm to alert the bridge of adjacent shipping. If you have AIS transmit as well as receive.
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Old 31 March 2011, 13:37   #6
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On my new Garmin Plotter (thanks to Mr Channel Ribs) it uses my ANT100 AIS receiver and shows all local AIS vessels on the chart screen. You can set proximity alarms and also mark specific AIS boats as being at risk of collision. I Haven't tried out fully yet as the boat is still in the back garden . Having said all that, it's only as good as me operating the plotter, and obviously the same applies to the person watching the screen on any boat heading my way (if I had a transmitter too). There is a chance a coastguard might spot impending danger and warn one or other vessel if they think there is a collision imminent. I have been toying with the idea of a transmitter too, but take the view that if it is foggy, I will be glued to my screen watching for AIS targets anyway. Never rely on the other vessel seeing you is my motto.
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Old 31 March 2011, 15:00   #7
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I fitted an AIS receiver last year, the Garmin with built in VHF radio. I really didn't get on with the radio so decide to replace it. There is a Garmin receiver with out vhf but I found AIS such a useful tool I decided to replace with a Transmitter/receiver (Garmin AIS 600). The only drawback to AIS currently is that only a small percentage of boats have transmitters, I couldn't moan about it if I didn't have one myself so I joined the club.

The Garmins have a proximity alarm for AIS targets, it's a PITA when in/near harbours as it goes off constantly, can be turned off easily but it switches on every time you turn the plotter on. But it is a safety feature, at least you don't need to worry about manually turning it on. The parameters are adjustable too.

It goes without saying, if everyone went out and bought a receiver without t/x then we'd all be wasting our time and money, there'd be nothing to see.
Obviously it's a legal requirement for anything over 200 grt, personally I hope it goes the same way as DSC and a transmitter becomes law for everyone.

If you can afford it, take the initiative and buy one!
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