19 January 2002, 16:31
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 26
American's pull the plug on GPS?
I understand that the US have 'pulled the plug' on the GPS system so that we are back to where we were a couple of years ago....maybe within 1/2 mile of an indicated position.
They have done so because of September 11th and the Afghan crisis.
Word has it that they do not intend to allow civvies to obtain the accuracy that we have been used to, again
Don't throw away those charts just yet!
19 January 2002, 16:36
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Sounds like a load of rubbish to me ! The american services are using a system that isnt available for public use yet and do not need dgps anyway. I would be interested to find out where you got your information.
In the unlikly event that it is true the Russians will switch the Glonas system that is more reliable than the American one anyway!
So, you can throw your charts away!
Alan P
19 January 2002, 18:06
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Checked the gps today - there doesn't appear to have been any dilution of position.
Sept 12 would have been the day to downgrade the accuracy, not four months after the event.
Al Quaeda will have got where they're going by now ...............
19 January 2002, 18:18
Country: UK - Scotland
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Crikey, it would be just my luck, I finaly get my gps and the system is downgraded. I hope it's just a rumour. However, surely they could not just do that without telling anyone. Just think of the possibility of lawsuits following any accidents due to their action.
Where did the information come from?
Keith (where EXACTLY am I?) Hart
19 January 2002, 21:25
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Do you have any references at all to back up your rumour, or are you just spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt?
A quick look at the Interagency GPS Executive Board web site (it's all out there if you look!) indicates that it's unlikely to be true.
In any event, it is generally accepted that there are too many civillian, commercial applications using GPS to make it worthwhile screwing with!
19 January 2002, 23:44
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Yeah, you're right John - it's not worth screwing your GPS
20 January 2002, 13:43
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But have yoy tried it?
20 January 2002, 20:03
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Not that I can remember - have yoy?
20 January 2002, 21:09
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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20 January 2002, 21:15
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Posts: 200
Which prompts me to wonder why I have been stuck on soixante neuf for the last two days ?
20 January 2002, 21:16
Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel
Boat name: Plane Jane
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Hah - stuck on seventy now !
21 January 2002, 07:40
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Posts: 26
Alan, John et al.............
>>Do you have any references at all to back up your rumour, or are you just spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt? <<
I do not indulge in any of the above John! I merely reported what I had heard.
I got the info from a friend who was told this during his Day Skippers course in the last couple of weeks.
This was apparently backed up by various members of the RNLI who were also on the course.
I queried this at Brighton Marina chandlers over the weekend and was told exactly the same thing by them! A visiting sailor who overheard our conversation said he had heard about it in France.
I have spoken to others at Chichester Marina and they confirm the rumour.
Now either someone is speading rumours around the south coast and this is being believed by quite a few professionals or there is some truth in it.
21 January 2002, 07:59
Country: UK - England
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From what you say, I think we can take it as a fact that people are spreading rumours -- including you
It seems surprising to me that everyone who has heard this rumour appeared to believed it, yet as far as I can tell no one has offered any form of evidence to back it up . . .
21 January 2002, 09:50
Country: UK - England
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Just goes to show that some of the " professionals" are not quite as good as they think they are!  and if you where talking to a yachtsman, well you know the answer to that!!!
21 January 2002, 13:46
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Checking on the US coastguard site (USCG are responsible for civilian GPS matters) their most recent published data, from a couple of days ago, gives no indication of selective availability being in use again. Given the litigious nature of US citizens and corporations,  it would be a pretty safe bet that USCG would not be telling us that GPS is working accurately if that were not the case.
Also IGEB (as mentioned by John) have a very definite statement dated 17 September 2001 which inter alia states:
GPS Selective Availability (SA) has not been used since its deactivation by the President on May 1, 2000. At that time, the United States Government stated that it has no intent to ever use SA again. There has been no change in this policy.
The full text of the selective availability anouncement can be found on this page.
But hey, we all need a bit of conspiracy theory from time to time........  , or does somebody out there have proof to the contrary?????
21 January 2002, 15:37
Country: UK - Scotland
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I think that this is building into a bit of an 'URBAN LEGEND' for more of the same try this site:
Keith (a legend in his own lunchtime) Hart
21 January 2002, 19:37
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News from Florida...............GPS working excellent. WASS is enabled and accuracy is within 6 ft - 8 ft. range on the open ocean off Florida coast. Brisk water temperature (62 degrees F.) Grouper are inshore... hanging out near underwater paltforms and wrecks. For me it is critical to be "right-on" my spot and dive the mark to be effecient and produce fish in my boat for my shop. Yes, GPS works fine, I do not use a differential with it, however I have downloaded WASS program directly from Garmin web site onto my Garmin 168 plotter/ depthrecorder. Suggest you do the same to if possible to get as accurate if WASS satalite is available in UK.
21 January 2002, 23:37
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John kennett, you know how much I admire you and your deep knowledge of this subject but is it really fair to nick to chide him for spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. A brief glance at any of the world's major troublespots shows that they are dominated by men who preach love, peace and goodwill to all. As for spreading rumours, I heard our friend osama is mightily cheesed off at the downgrading of gps accuracy as now he doesn't know where he is himself.
22 January 2002, 06:05
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Hilton-of-Cadboll
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Posts: 1,801
Talking about the accuracy of gps.....
After Christmas, when we were up in Scotland I was trying out my gps for the first time. I stood outside of our house and 'marked' my position. I proudly announced to my wife, whilst showing her the screen, "Look, I can now tell you exactly where we are."
"I already know that", she replied, "We're outside the front of our house!"
She has a marvelous way of putting me in MY place.
Keith Hart
22 January 2002, 08:31
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Posts: 15
Yachties only for the Day Skipper?
Alan P.
Are you assuming that everyone on a Day Skipper Course is a member of the rag & stick fraternity?
Some of them might be ribsters like me out to improve their nav skills in case their Chart Plotter/GPS packs up.
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