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Old 29 November 2009, 07:56   #61
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Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Hi on Time Bandit the console is well sealed I have the tracker mounted directly onto the console at the moment and I have the regulator wrapped up in a small plastic bag with the wires taped up. I don't think it will be a problem but when I get round to it I probably will fit the tracker into a plastic bag or waterproof box.

I will put an order in and send it direct to boat build so it is fitted whilst consul is wired up.
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Old 29 November 2009, 07:59   #62
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
Cheers again for info. when you fitted the unit did you do like Knot Yet and use and water
proof box to house it? The consul of the new Rib is dry but thinking lonterm damp etc
Our boat doesn't sit on the water except when in use so the Tracker is not in a box or bag or anything. It's in a dry area though
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Old 29 November 2009, 08:03   #63
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I will e mail today. Is this what I should order looking at previous posts

TK102.with 12v to 5v converter to hard wire it to a battery

I also expect this RIB to be dry stacked and only on the water for use
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Old 29 November 2009, 08:14   #64
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
TK102.with 12v to 5v converter to hard wire it to a battery
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Old 29 November 2009, 18:46   #65
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Ian - apologies for the delay in replying

We ordered the following:

TK102-2 with a two open wires car charger

I'm not sure how different this is to Leapy's version but it was the one recommended by David Cheng at Xexun when he realised what we actually needed it for.

It might well be the same but when you speak to David he will email you a spreadsheet which lists a number of TK102's - hence the need to define the version number

Does that make sense!!

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Old 29 November 2009, 18:48   #66
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Cheers, I have e mailed David to ask so will order once contact made. I am going to ask for boat builders to hard wire it before consul goes onto the boat, just need to make sure I can get the SIM card in
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Old 29 November 2009, 18:58   #67
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As long as you can get to the back of the unit I can't see why that wouldn't work Ian - the SIM sits behind the battery.

David is really helpful and delivery is very quick - I paid vai Paypal - which was a few pennies more but a simple hassle free transaction

Let us all know how you get on

Thanks again Leapy for making the suggestion

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Old 29 November 2009, 19:56   #68
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Yes there is such a company

Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL View Post
Does anyone know if companies offer a chip that can be put in an engine, then if or when stolen, they just locate through gps signal and kill the scrotum that stole it???

My iphone has the techno to find itself, surely it cant be expensive to supply a chip then a central location like with car trackers. It would put off some of the thieves as they won't be expecting it.
Have a look at the website www.chipandtrace.com a company based in Plymouth.
They can supply what you need.
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Old 29 November 2009, 19:58   #69
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet View Post
Thanks again Leapy for making the suggestion

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Old 29 November 2009, 22:15   #70
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Originally Posted by captainpugwash View Post
Have a look at the website www.chipandtrace.com a company based in Plymouth.
They can supply what you need.
Pugwash - welcome to Ribnet. Are you a happy customer then? (Forgive my cynacism but when your first post is promoting a commercial product - you may want to have a look at the forum rules on commercial posting and if appropriate arrange a trade membership!).
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Old 30 November 2009, 06:41   #71
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Pugwash - welcome to Ribnet. Are you a happy customer then? (Forgive my cynacism but when your first post is promoting a commercial product - you may want to have a look at the forum rules on commercial posting and if appropriate arrange a trade membership!).
Thank you for the welcome Polwart. I might become a happy customer of Chip and Trace. I am currently looking at all available options to protect my vessel. Given the rise in thefts generally across the country I think it wise to protect and to try and catch the low lifes red handed. This system does just that (hopefully). Of those that I have looked at it seems to be better than the others.
I have no commercial interest in this company or any other for that matter so I will not be applying for a trade membership.
Just trying to give another Ribster some information so that they may not lose what they have worked so damned hard for.
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Old 30 November 2009, 06:49   #72
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Cheers Captainpugwash for the link. I had seen and spoken to them before along with a few other suppliers. The small GPS tracker TK102 appears to be a very good product that others are using. If this works I will fit to all craft

It is interesting to see the company supplying the xexum TK102 might allow a UK supplier to take on the sales - just a feeling I got on e mails
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Old 30 November 2009, 08:29   #73
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Originally Posted by captainpugwash View Post
Thank you for the welcome Polwart. I might become a happy customer of Chip and Trace. I am currently looking at all available options to protect my vessel. Given the rise in thefts generally across the country I think it wise to protect and to try and catch the low lifes red handed.
have they really? or is it just that you are becoming more aware of a problem. My insurance premium hasn't rocketed which suggests to me the people in the know percieve no greater risk.
I have no commercial interest in this company or any other for that matter so I will not be applying for a trade membership.

Of those that I have looked at it seems to be better than the others.
What are the features of this system that make it more attractive? and worth paying many the price of the TK102 unit for? Is it any better than the other system mentioned on here recently which also monitors for battery charging, bildge levels, lockers being opened etc - for that price of the much lower spec entry level chip and trace system? As far as I can see the chip and trace system which does something similar to the TK102 costs £375+VAT to buy and then another £150+vat per annum for the service contract (which the TK102 and similar achieve with a PAYG sim card!). I must be missing the major product differentiator that justifies that premium.
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Old 30 November 2009, 09:58   #74
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Originally Posted by C2 RIBS View Post
Cheers Captainpugwash for the link. I had seen and spoken to them before along with a few other suppliers. The small GPS tracker TK102 appears to be a very good product that others are using. If this works I will fit to all craft

It is interesting to see the company supplying the xexum TK102 might allow a UK supplier to take on the sales - just a feeling I got on e mails
Hi Ian - David seems very keen to find a UK supplier - he told me there is'nt one currently

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Old 30 November 2009, 11:37   #75
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Good banter on here Polwart eh?

Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
have they really? or is it just that you are becoming more aware of a problem. My insurance premium hasn't rocketed which suggests to me the people in the know percieve no greater risk.

I read this quote on their website "Disturbing Home Office reports have recently revealed an alarming increase in marine crime, now estimated to cost owners over £40 Million per year". Now quite frankly I cannot be bothered to ring the Home Office to check. However I do have a very good friend who is an Actuary for Lloyds of London, in other words, a "Man in the know". I simply asked him if this was true and he said that it certainly was.

What are the features of this system that make it more attractive? and worth paying many the price of the TK102 unit for? Is it any better than the other system mentioned on here recently which also monitors for battery charging, bildge levels, lockers being opened etc - for that price of the much lower spec entry level chip and trace system? As far as I can see the chip and trace system which does something similar to the TK102 costs £375+VAT to buy and then another £150+vat per annum for the service contract (which the TK102 and similar achieve with a PAYG sim card!). I must be missing the major product differentiator that justifies that premium.
Two bits that caught my eye were these "Chip and Trace PRO is powered by M-Track Thatcham TQA 116/117 Marine Security Accreditation, the first and only Marine Security Tracking System to achieve this status" and also "Chip and Trace is a global Boat Security Identification and Tracking System using combined GPS, GSM and RF together with a unique RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) chip that is registered on a secure database of stolen boats".
You are also able to log onto the internet to check your vessel which I do not think the other unit has the facility for, I could of course be wrong though.
However Polwart tell me something, have you ever been anywhere where you have not had a mobile phone signal? I know I have. Guess what that means? Your vessel could also be taken to such a place and without a mobile phone signal your vessel is invisible. I am suprised that has not been mentioned on this thread yet.
Of course on price the TK102 is the clear winner, however you pays your money and takes your choice etc etc.
The service charge is not even the price of a pint of Guinness a week or a quarter bottle of Whisky.
The thing is though I will probably end up fitting both systems as they both have their merits. Belt and braces and all that.
Does that help or am I just rambling?
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Old 30 November 2009, 11:48   #76
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From my persective - I needed something that might "help" in the event of a theft - I appreciate my RIB compared to some on here is at the lower market end and reflects my spare pennies - therefore the anti theft device needed to be relative to the purchase cost - additionally with the RIB on my drive there is a greater sense of security (possibly wrongly so) than if it was moored or dry stacked or stored in a friendly barn.

If I could afford a belt and braces approach I would choose that option everytime - this however seemd a very good compromise, excellent value, good cusotmer service, simple install instructions and generally a great find

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Old 30 November 2009, 11:58   #77
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Originally Posted by captainpugwash View Post
Does that help or am I just rambling?
Welcome to the common factor all forums share...each contributor has their own view of things and (sometimes* often* always* ) argues against opposing views. Otherwise known as "Don't you call my baby ugly".

Like a lot of these things, there's merit in most of what is said. Clearly, you pays your money, you takes your choice. Clearly, TK102's don't work without a mobile signal. Clearly £300 plus is a lot of money. Clearly, £60 is cheaper than £300.

Different people have different needs. Different products satisfy different people. My view - for what it's worth - is that the subject of Trackers (assuming you even think you need one) is about balancing risk. The risk of the boat being stolen, the risk of no mobile phone signal, the risk of the Mrs Leapy missing £300 as opposed to £60 () Personally, I don't need to know if the console hatch suddenly opens (the boats in the garage). I don't worry about the bilges flooding (the boats in the garage). I don't even worry about the garage door opening (another GSM alarm )
As I've said before...you pays your money... but if the boat is out of the garage and a mile up the road I'd like to know where it's heading. The TK102 does that

So I don't need an expensive device and a 3rd party to monitor it. Different people have different needs

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Old 30 November 2009, 12:04   #78
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If you really want to have some fun

Originally Posted by Knot Yet View Post
From my persective - I needed something that might "help" in the event of a theft - I appreciate my RIB compared to some on here is at the lower market end and reflects my spare pennies - therefore the anti theft device needed to be relative to the purchase cost - additionally with the RIB on my drive there is a greater sense of security (possibly wrongly so) than if it was moored or dry stacked or stored in a friendly barn.

If I could afford a belt and braces approach I would choose that option everytime - this however seemd a very good compromise, excellent value, good cusotmer service, simple install instructions and generally a great find

Yes I agree it is a great find indeed and I will be buying one for sure.
But if you really want to have some fun with the light handed fraternity then get two old jerry cans and quarter fill them with stale petrol. Then top the rest of the cans up with water and also tip in a whole bag of sugar.
Just leave them in front of your garage.
Guess what happens next?
I did just this and of course a local low life took the bait.
He had an old BMW M3 worth about £5k.
He got 10 miles and his car was worth £0k.
Very satisfying to take non violent direct action against the scumbags.
And who was he going to tell???
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Old 30 November 2009, 12:08   #79
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Originally Posted by captainpugwash View Post
And who was he going to tell???
You, when he comes back with a few mates
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Old 30 November 2009, 12:12   #80
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Originally Posted by Leapy View Post
Welcome to the common factor all forums share...each contributor has their own view of things and (sometimes* often* always* ) argues against opposing views. Otherwise known as "Don't you call my baby ugly".

Like a lot of these things, there's merit in most of what is said. Clearly, you pays your money, you takes your choice. Clearly, TK102's don't work without a mobile signal. Clearly £300 plus is a lot of money. Clearly, £60 is cheaper than £300.

Different people have different needs. Different products satisfy different people. My view - for what it's worth - is that the subject of Trackers (assuming you even think you need one) is about balancing risk. The risk of the boat being stolen, the risk of no mobile phone signal, the risk of the Mrs Leapy missing £300 as opposed to £60 () Personally, I don't need to know if the console hatch suddenly opens (the boats in the garage). I don't worry about the bilges flooding (the boats in the garage). I don't even worry about the garage door opening (another GSM alarm )
As I've said before...you pays your money... but if the boat is out of the garage and a mile up the road I'd like to know where it's heading. The TK102 does that

So I don't need an expensive device and a 3rd party to monitor it. Different people have different needs

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I need a bottle of Penderyn.
I also need to work out how to put smilies on my posts.
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