31 October 2009, 13:13
Country: UK - Wales
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Anyone supply trackers for engines/ribs
Does anyone know if companies offer a chip that can be put in an engine, then if or when stolen, they just locate through gps signal and kill the scrotum that stole it???
My iphone has the techno to find itself, surely it cant be expensive to supply a chip then a central location like with car trackers. It would put off some of the thieves as they won't be expecting it.
31 October 2009, 15:21
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Have a search on here, this has been asked before and I think it can be done.
31 October 2009, 16:29
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I have a couple of GPS trackers one of which is mounted in Time Bandit. The other I have sitting around, it is from eBay and is actually a chinese copy of the one I have in the boat (also chinese) the reason I bought the original was becuase I was getting some false alarms from the copy when I set up the "Move" option which basically texts you when the boat moves 200metres from its set location. However I have since found that this was actualy due to where I had it mounted as it was getting interfernce from the metal casing of the VHF.
If you want my spare you can have it for £25, you will need to fit a pay as you go Simcard in then follow the instructions. It has a battery life of about 36 hours I have 1 battery as I am using the other one in mine however you can buy a 12volt converter from ebay herewhich powers the unit from the boat battery this was about £10 it is small enough to fit under the cowl of an outboard or anywhere on the boat. (smaller than a packet of fags).
Let me know if you want to give it a whirl.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
31 October 2009, 18:56
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Originally Posted by Chris
I have a couple of GPS trackers one of which is mounted in Time Bandit. The other I have sitting around, it is from eBay and is actually a chinese copy of the one I have in the boat (also chinese) the reason I bought the original was becuase I was getting some false alarms from the copy when I set up the "Move" option which basically texts you when the boat moves 200metres from its set location. However I have since found that this was actualy due to where I had it mounted as it was getting interfernce from the metal casing of the VHF.
If you want my spare you can have it for £25, you will need to fit a pay as you go Simcard in then follow the instructions. It has a battery life of about 36 hours I have 1 battery as I am using the other one in mine however you can buy a 12volt converter from ebay herewhich powers the unit from the boat battery this was about £10 it is small enough to fit under the cowl of an outboard or anywhere on the boat. (smaller than a packet of fags).
Let me know if you want to give it a whirl.
Sorry forgot I already offered this to someone else who has just politely remided me of the fact.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
01 November 2009, 11:14
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Thanks anyway
Will look in to a chip I think.
01 November 2009, 13:18
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Originally Posted by HUMBER P4VWL
Will look in to a chip I think.
Paul - from the discussions here in the past there seemed to be two main styles.
(1) something about the size of a mobile phone, which tracks / alerts to movement etc - but not a lot else but for less that £100
(2) something a wee bit bigger - but with alarm circuit loops - which would send you a message if someone opened a locker etc. Given that theft of small items is part of your problem this might be more attractive. If they take the whole boat it will still track the location etc too. Cost was about £200ish IIRC. Not sure how close you are to the boat (and you may not want to post that publicly) so whether you would be able to respond quick enough to catch somone read handed.
01 November 2009, 14:25
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Originally Posted by Polwart
(2) something a wee bit bigger - but with alarm circuit loops - which would send you a message if someone opened a locker etc. Given that theft of small items is part of your problem this might be more attractive. If they take the whole boat it will still track the location etc too. Cost was about £200ish IIRC.
That sounds like the Yacht Sentinel, 299.00.
The designer (UK product) came on here and got some good feedback about his product.
Not sure if it would cope with the environment under the cowel, but it is certainly worth looking at as an engine specific tracker does not exist yet.
01 November 2009, 14:33
Country: UK - England
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Saw an add yesterday for one made for motorbikes
Think it was £299 plus monthly subscription.
01 November 2009, 18:44
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Still can't help feeling there's a lot of way over-priced product out there...£60 bought me a match box sized device that can tell you where it is and/or tells you if it's stepped out of an area and/or tells you if it's on the move etc etc...
It doesn't link in to an alarm but for £60 and no monthly fee...
01 November 2009, 18:49
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Leapy
Still can't help feeling there's a lot of way over-priced product out there...£60 bought me a match box sized device that can tell you where it is and/or tells you if it's stepped out of an area and/or tells you if it's on the move etc etc...
It doesn't link in to an alarm but for £60 and no monthly fee... 
That sounds good mate. Where to buy?
01 November 2009, 19:26
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by JSP
That sounds good mate. Where to buy?
As there are a load of clones out there sold through eBay I bought mine direct from the original manufacturer Xexun, the only way I felt I could be absolutely sure. You need their TK102. Be very wary of the clones, they're 'iffy'
Xexun don't actually sell to Joe Public direct but they sold me a 'sample'  at a US$ rate (and so is subject to the strength, or otherwise, of the pound)
Email david@xexun.com with the request. He was very very helpful. Make sure and get the 12v to 5v converter too if you want to hard wire to the boat battery, otherwise the internal battery only lasts 36-48 hours before needing a re-charge. It comes with a 240v charger and two Li-ion rechargeables. You'll need a PAYG SIM.
Others on here have bought the real thing (I think) through retail outlets. Someone might come along and advise
I've had mine many months now; it lives on the boat permanently. It's no frills but it does the job
01 November 2009, 19:39
Country: UK - England
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Cheers for the info buddy! Sounds just right for me  I'll let you know how I get on.
01 November 2009, 19:44
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One other very minor point - they dont seem to like some company pay as you go SIMS ( Virgin/ Asda ?) - so stick a Vodafone one in & you should be fine.
01 November 2009, 20:37
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
One other very minor point - they dont seem to like some company pay as you go SIMS ( Virgin/ Asda ?) - so stick a Vodafone one in & you should be fine
Pete...I'm on O2 and have had no problems. I've heard of a SIM issue, but do you know if the issue is with the 'clone' or 'original'?
02 November 2009, 12:32
Country: UK - Wales
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thanks guys, sounds good leapy
cheers, will email him over winter ready for next season. will also work while stored i suppose.
02 November 2009, 14:14
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Nout to do with trackers but I've sprayed the gearbox on my Yam a bright orange, same colour as the Dyno rod vans, just makes it less appealing for someone to take.
02 November 2009, 14:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset & Hants
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Posts: 5,551
Originally Posted by Leapy
Pete...I'm on O2 and have had no problems. I've heard of a SIM issue, but do you know if the issue is with the 'clone' or 'original'?
Think its the original & to do with the smaller networks piggyback the bigger ones (?) - All the main ones 02, Voda , orange etc seem fine.
Its on a thread on here somewhere. Cant see it makes any differance in cost as to which one to stick in, they are all within a few pence per text - compared to thousands of quids worth of boat very worth it for a cheap bit of peice of mind that could find a boat if its not all stripped very quickly.
Guess it comes down to how often the boat is checked & the time between that and being taken apart for bits ! But the geofence bit should cover that !
03 November 2009, 12:22
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by chewy
Nout to do with trackers but I've sprayed the gearbox on my Yam a bright orange, same colour as the Dyno rod vans, just makes it less appealing for someone to take.
i think these recent thefts are after the big engines. 150 plus, ideally 4strokes and the like, for use in the med on tour boats perhaps.
03 November 2009, 13:01
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Leapy
As there are a load of clones out there sold through eBay I bought mine direct from the original manufacturer Xexun, the only way I felt I could be absolutely sure. You need their TK102. Be very wary of the clones, they're 'iffy'
Xexun don't actually sell to Joe Public direct but they sold me a 'sample'  at a US$ rate (and so is subject to the strength, or otherwise, of the pound)
Email david@xexun.com with the request. He was very very helpful. Make sure and get the 12v to 5v converter too if you want to hard wire to the boat battery, otherwise the internal battery only lasts 36-48 hours before needing a re-charge. It comes with a 240v charger and two Li-ion rechargeables. You'll need a PAYG SIM.
Others on here have bought the real thing (I think) through retail outlets. Someone might come along and advise
I've had mine many months now; it lives on the boat permanently. It's no frills but it does the job 
Thanks Leapy - have just ordered one myself from David at Xexun - really nice guy and very helpful - will let you know how we get on - if it's any good will also fit one in the Defender
Sometimes my mind not only wanders ..... it leaves completely
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
03 November 2009, 13:18
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Originally Posted by Knot Yet
Thanks Leapy - have just ordered one myself from David at Xexun - really nice guy and very helpful - will let you know how we get on - if it's any good will also fit one in the Defender
Are these ordered in the UK then and what sort of price as I like the look of these. How are they wired in?
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