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Old 13 January 2018, 15:55   #1
MatFromPoland's Avatar
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Anyone uses Garmin InReach SE+ ? Instead of PLB ??


I had one small PLB but was thinking to buy one more (we are crew/family of 5). But discovered this equipment:


It looks like you can send distress signal (to GEOS).
And they will know your position.

You can even send Text message ... It is Satellite tool.
Yes it require monthly payment but you can pay for these months when you on the water (like me only 2-3 vacation months)

Can't find info if it is floating and/or waterproof which is most important for boating I suppose


Strange - there is review for boaters but nothing about waterproof or not

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Old 13 January 2018, 17:25   #2
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Cardiff
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IPx7 so water proof to 1m for 30 min I think no idea if it floats different device to a PLB and not sure it can be a replacement for a plb but may be a more useful device...
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Old 13 January 2018, 17:41   #3
MatFromPoland's Avatar
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So it require some bag for boating I suppose like aloksak or overboard

If you are in the Sea and have to call for help 30 min is not enough.
I wonder if my Standard Horizont (floating HX870) be so good or VHF in the water is not better than satellite ??
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Old 13 January 2018, 21:03   #4
Country: UK - Wales
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That’s a depth of 1m for 30 min the hx870 is IPx8 so a bit better

Submersible IPX8 waterproof rating (1.5M or 4.92 feet for 30 minutes)

PLB seems to be rated for deeper and longer
16.40 ft (5 m) @ 1 hr., 33 ft (10 m) @ 10 min. Factory tested @ 70°F, exceeds RTCM waterproof requirements

Depends what you need or for the garmin better for letting specific people know you are safe as you can text, plb for letting someone know you aren’t

Range on sat comms is the advantage vhf when you are in the water could be as low as 3miles depending on the height of the mast your trying to reach
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Old 14 January 2018, 10:15   #5
Country: UK - England
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IPX7 is common to HH VHFs etc. Some are now testing to IPX8 my immediate gut feel is they didn't change the design just upped the standard.

BUT the standard you really want is IPX7/8 plus Waterproof near the surface (~30cm?) for as long as it takes to be rescued!

That said I have an IPX7 VHF that would meet that spec based on its been fine in 30cm of water for several hours.

As for the kit - it seems similar to the SPOT transmitters.

Battery life would be my huge concern. I know my PLB will transmit for 24hours (likely more). I know I didn't use it to update my blog on my position etc.

They claim 75hours with 10minute track and 1 sec log. Seems pretty decent. But I guess that may be with the screen never on. If you start sending the odd text message (screen on) does that change the life? If you actually wanted to use the map? Or check weather. What makes me think that if something goes very wrong it may have started with yu checking weather, checking map when your plotter failed, sending a couple of texts to say "change of plan - heading to XX" followed by "slight engine issue - delayed further" before you get to hitting the red button...

If it can do sat coms data - why not voice?

I know people who have AIS on yachts not so they can see other boats but so the wife can check they are OK. I can see a use for this for them. When they sail out of AIS coverage does Wife Panic!

They do a nice little holder and charger - but no way is that RIB proof! And it would encourage it not to be in your pocket...

The good thing is you can test it (really test it) - obviously not the red button - but all the rest - it can get GPS pos. it can talk to the sats etc. Not so easy with a PLB...

Spot Gen 3 - half the price, slightly less functional (no screen), I think has better battery life but I don't think is USB chargable (but I think does work from AA's so spare capacity a viable option). (not sure if it can do 1 second logging for your blog when you get ashore). About half the weight of the Garmin. Neither float but that means you need half the size of float attached to it!

SPOT3 however requires full year subscription.... Garmin month at a time sub.
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