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Old 21 July 2005, 08:58   #1
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Battery Advice required........

.....please. Hi Chaps its been a while ! Missed me ?

Went to start her up a weekend or so ago only to find the battery flat. Checked isolator switch which had of course been turned off although I'd left the bildge pump switch on in "auto mode". VHF off etc etc. Anyway put it down to a one off and put the battery on charge overnight. Started up first time the next day but by the time I'd sat off shore for an hour with the vhf and depth sounder on, the battery was once again flat - fortunately I had my jumper pack with me and again she started first time.

Again I put her on charge, this time for at least 36 hours - unfortunately the same story was repeated the next weekend, started but flat withing an hour or so !

So - is it the battery - it's a 2002, the right one for the engine/boat - as fitted by the dealer. Or do you think I'm getting a discharge somewhere. That said, shes been great for the past 12 months ?

Ideas and advice most welcome - thanks.

In the meantime, there is an inspection window which shows green both when the battery is dead and charged - will start the engine and wont - it remains green !
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Old 21 July 2005, 10:06   #2
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Could be a discharge. Get a multimeter that will measure current and put that in line between the battery and whatever is connected to it - isolation switch and bilge pump. If there's a discharge you will see current flowing.

If there's no discharge then I guess it points to a knackered battery. - Should be cheap enough to replace - 2002 is now more than 3 years old
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Old 21 July 2005, 10:14   #3
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Multi Metre....?

........ok I'll pick one up this afternoon. What should I ask for in Halfords / local car accessories shop ? Further...what do I do with it ?
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Old 21 July 2005, 10:30   #4
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Get a new one!!

Unless there is a short or you have left it on it is not worth messing about with batteries Batteries have a miserable life on a RIB and compared to what they used to cost are very cheap
Go to Partco and tell them you are in the trade and you should get the right thing for £30 to £40 Make sure you get the correct poles (round poles or flats) and that they are on the right side as your current batt.
Incidentally a lot of batteries have a two year warranty so if you keep taking the battery back ever two years you will never have to buy one again Des
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Old 21 July 2005, 10:36   #5
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MeMe you can borrow my battery tester this w/end if you like
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Old 21 July 2005, 11:09   #6
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Originally Posted by MeMe
Or do you think I'm getting a discharge somewhere.
Given the extent of your business travels in the former Soviet Union, Graeme, I fear that may well be an unfortunate but distinct possibility. I am assured, however, that treatment in this field has advanced enormously in recent years and can be cured quite painlessly with antibiotics and, more importantly, without recourse to the somewhat unsavoury business of tubes and small pumps.

In answer to your initial question about whether you'd been missed on the forum, I regret to inform you that not a single member enquired as to your whereabouts. Rather in the same way that you so thoughtfully enquired about my well being following the Liverpool St tube bomb
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Old 21 July 2005, 11:10   #7
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....Graham. As it happens I've just spoken to a pal who also has a place in Aber'. He has one and knows his stuff so I'll let him take a quick look - thanks anyway. I've also spoken to my local dealer who advises £40 for a new barttery however there's no point in buying one until I've figured out if power is being drained from elsewhere. I'll keep you advised.
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 21 July 2005, 12:59   #8
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Battery is knackered.
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Old 21 July 2005, 19:43   #9
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Yeah I agree with JW

Had this on a car some time ago. Battery just will not hold charge yet can start the engine if briefly put on charge.

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Old 22 July 2005, 08:09   #10
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Someone suggested......

........changing the fluid as it's not a sealed unit ?
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Old 22 July 2005, 08:19   #11
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The changing of the electrolyte fluid has always been an option I have been told not to use, it seems like a good idea but it has something to do with the depletion of the metal plates in the battery and as it's somewhere in a charge/use cycle the fluid is no longer just sulphuric battery acid. Also when the battery has ever been deeply discharged it never seems possible to get a decent performance from it again. Good thinking to have your booster pack. No chance of the second battery being flat from someone leaving the selector on the wrong one and realising it's not an idiot proof system. I have never thought to work the battery science bit out but am happy to take the word of people who have tried.

By the way, Costco have marine/leisure batteries by Bosch for £30 something. I am sure you have a card or know someone that can get you in.

Hope to see you out on the water soon.

Scott & Mags & Plastique
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Old 22 July 2005, 09:03   #12
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In conclussion.... would appear that the best course to follow is to replace the battery which I will do this weekend. Thanks to all.... COSTCO - yep have card, will take a look.
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Old 26 July 2005, 12:15   #13
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I only buy Exide Ultima batteries for my boats! They are immensly powerful and very compact and have a rapid charge time.

Unfortunately they are rather expensive!
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Old 26 July 2005, 14:53   #14
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Be a little cautious about leisure / marine batteries. There main use is for caravans, yottie types, who need to be able to pull low current from a battery over long periods, and a battery that doesn’t mind being fully discharged. They don’t necessarily provide a high stating current.

For a rib, assuming you don’t have an auto bilge, or spend hours and hours sitting with the electronics on and the engine off, you want a battery which provides the highest possible cranking amperage, to ensure your motor spins as quickly as possible to ensure good starting.

Agree with Rogue re Exide Ultimas, but out of my price range! Fitted Delphi Freedoms (std automotive battery) last time and have performed well so far.


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Old 26 July 2005, 20:33   #15
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I've had similar problems recently, but with a 2003 battery supplied by dealer. Also had geen lighrt and full electrolyte, but after left the auto bilge pump for one week the battery was a dodo.

Will check leakage, but if that's ok will also look for new battery. Was thinking of one of the marine gel types, but they are v v pricey. Anyone got any experience with these. Worth the extra money?

I must go down to the sea again......
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Old 27 July 2005, 08:07   #16
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We use a "Optima" spiral battery on the BananaShark leisure boat with a 225 Optimax fitted. We also have one of those auto bilge pumps that turns on every few minutes to see it there is any water in there and it's been fine - a bit pricey but worth it for reliable power!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 27 July 2005, 16:16   #17
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Not sure about spending lots of money on a good battery for a rib.

Batteries love to be used, start the car in the morning, 50 miles up the motorway for the battery to charge, followed by 8 hours in the car park for the battery to balance out is ideal regular, not too demanding work is what a battery needs.

But on a rib you charge it up in March and expect it to work like crazy until the end of September when you leave it until the following year. It lives in a nasty, salty, bouncy, wet environment and has to cope with poor quality charging and poking lots of amps down long cable runs

I think that expensive batteries really only come into their own when they are used at the extremes of what they are capable of and when you then expect them to last for years, such as in a commercial work boat Repeatedly cranking big cold diesels works the battery hard and over time a battery will deterrent because, in simple terms, the plates loose mass as a by product of the process.
The ‘lost mass’, which is on the whole lead sulphate, accumulates at the bottom of the battery and ultimately either shorts the battery by touching the bottom of the plates or the plates run out of lead, at this point the battery dies More expensive batteries have more material in their plates and or more space at the bottom of the battery and so last longer

Under-used or idle batteries will slowly loose performance as a result of lead sulphate building up on the surface of their plates and unless you remove this by cycling the battery (charge / part-discharge) this shortens the life of the battery

Additives, battery pills and boost chargers will temporarily lengthen the life of a battery but nothing beats regular use On one car I owned I had almost 10 years use out of a battery just because it was in daily service (100 mile round trip to work).

But if you are not cranking a big diesel it is probably a waste of money buying anything too expensive
Get the cheapest battery with a guarantee you can find and replace it every year under warranty just don’t say you are using it on a boat. Des
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Old 28 July 2005, 09:30   #18
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Well again.......

.....thanks to all for their advice. Over the weekend I took the bat' of and had it tested. As thought it was as dead as a dodo. The local chandler quoted me £89.00 - no thanks mate. I went to costco last night and the same battery was £48.00 but hey - no thanks mate. This morning I went to my local back street car accessory shop where they had just what I wanted for £40.00 - cheers mate I'll take it.

As advised above, it's under warranty and as 11 months I'll whip it off and have it replaced. I know the guys in the shop well and feel confident they will assist. It's a 110 from Delta Batteries in Bury Lancs.

Cheers boys.............
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
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Old 28 July 2005, 09:44   #19
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Originally Posted by MeMe
.....As advised above, it's under warranty and as 11 months I'll whip it off and have it replaced. .............Cheers boys.............
I want 10% commission for that tip Des
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Old 28 July 2005, 09:55   #20
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Originally Posted by MeMe
.....thanks to all for their advice. Over the weekend I took the bat' of and had it tested. As thought it was as dead as a dodo. The local chandler quoted me £89.00 - no thanks mate. I went to costco last night and the same battery was £48.00 but hey - no thanks mate. This morning I went to my local back street car accessory shop where they had just what I wanted for £40.00 - cheers mate I'll take it.

As advised above, it's under warranty and as 11 months I'll whip it off and have it replaced. I know the guys in the shop well and feel confident they will assist. It's a 110 from Delta Batteries in Bury Lancs.

Cheers boys.............
11 months time it just may be fine
My tip is if you do not use the boat in winter take it off the boat, make shaw it's charged & store it some where dry & worm
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