arr me shety
had it built new in 97/98 by james reinman marine who took over the shetland moulds from his father and restarted the shetland name, we struck a deal in that i payed for the build to get him thru ce certification and he did a good job and speced it out to my requirements etc. it has been a great boat and has seen lots of service on the river and on the sea. we go away for a week at a time on it as it sleeps 6, three doubles. it has a kitchen area, shower/toilet, sink, hobs, fridge. is tall enough inside to walk around comfortably. we keep it on a trailer so is transportable to any parts of the river or country. we always tow it with the landy only as it weighs a fair bit on a super roller coaster 7 which i rebuilt in 98 and you would not believe the tiny rough slips we can use to put it in, some are like just reversing over the bank of the thames over a few large stones!. it has a honda 90 on the rear which has been perfect from new. it will sit at 5mph all day on the river with no issues and will do around 26 or so on the sea. it has huge amounts of storage space for going away whereas similar sized sealines and the like have no storage space and were totally impractical in comparison. the kids really love it.
had a couple of shetlands and this is the second
going back to the thread the batts on the shetland need some loving care as are 8 yrs old at least now and do need topping up regular as they dont hold the charge like they used to so the top up charge on the move idea will be ideal for this
ps i hate being stuck behind caravans as well specially going to and from cornwall
Originally Posted by roycruse
You get hatred for the caravan from anybody who does any kind of motorway driving (I do 40,000 miles a year of it)
But its just plain old pitty for being a Shetland owner im affraid 