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Old 23 October 2004, 15:35   #41
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No Progress?

Originally Posted by codprawn
It is strange to think that RADAR hasn't really advanced that much since the magnetron was invented during the war - alright the displays are better and much smaller but power/range etc are still the same - also the skill required hasn't really changed that much!!! Electronics can only do so much.
Yeah, it's a shame about that. If only the earth were flat we would be able to see much further with our radars. There must be a way to see over the horizon?
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Old 23 October 2004, 17:34   #42
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Originally Posted by Searider
Yeah, it's a shame about that. If only the earth were flat we would be able to see much further with our radars. There must be a way to see over the horizon?

I take it that is a tongue in cheek comment about "over the horizon" radar? Funnily enough during the early Radar days the biggest problem WAS "over the horizon" - they had to work very hard to cut out confusing returns from objects too far away!

Nowadays all the research is back onto "over the horizon" stuff!
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Old 24 October 2004, 09:48   #43
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OK then, with the few brain cells I have left, what about a comment from someone on "visibility".
We have had lots of postings in the past about the effectiveness of RADAR reflectors.
My own experience, with my RADAR, is that these reflectors are all pretty hopeless at picking up small boats like RIBs. I usually cant "see" the other boats in my little flotilla, either at all or at best, not very well.
My question is, are they really useless or is it my kit/ability to read the screen properly. I have always assumed that big ships, helicopters and SAR craft, the military etc. are fitted with much better kit/properly trained people and can indeed "see" us. Can any "Mike Uniform" type or SAR guy or Naval person comment on this? Conspicuous silence when this question has been asked before.
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Old 24 October 2004, 10:28   #44
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I was advised to not to bother carrying a bought radar reflector
Quote "cause they are crap" I won't say who quoted it to me just in case
but to use a home made one from a black bin liner fill of scrunched up tin foil.

Sounds like a good idea but hope I never have to find out if it works
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Old 24 October 2004, 10:34   #45
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I sat in on a Radar reflector test a few years ago - the findings were that it has a lot to do with the way the reflector is mounted - they DO help but not much - obviously the higher above the water the better - bit different on a yachts mast compared to a RIB.

One thing that was noticed in the test was that some boats without reflectors returned bigger returns than other boats with them - so many factors to take into account.

Remember a RIB is probably the worst thing you could have for being picked up on RADAR - low in the water - made of absorbant materials etc. Which is why drug runners love them!!!

The best bet for a RIB would be an active system - possibly something like the following


It re transmits the radar signal and also tells you when it has had a paint(signal)which is quite usefull.

Tests on radar reflectors can often be misleading - often the angle is very crucila - a reflector that gives a huge return on certain occasions can be all but invisible on others - bit like shining a laser pointer at someone.

This test looks ok but they all seem to favour yachts - a RIB is a bit different!!!

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Old 24 October 2004, 10:50   #46
Country: UK - Wales
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Just spotted this - the Cyclops is also worth a mention - not so good in many tests because of it being mounted on a yacht - they don't like to be heeled but could well be ideal on a RIB - apparently Mr Priddy uses one!!!

They look really cool as well.


This article explains things really well.
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