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Old 13 October 2011, 17:16   #1
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Best VHF to fit on a 4m Searider

Hi all

Any ideas what would be the best radio to fit on a 4m Avon Searider, its in an exposed position and the boat is being used in all weathers.


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Old 13 October 2011, 17:51   #2
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There have been many threads on this topic including one quite recently. In terms of fixed vhfs on an open rib there seems almost universal agreement that you should go for: Standard Horizon OR Icom. I think Garmin may also be a possible. Avoid the cheap brands like Cobra if at all possible as they just don't last as long in a harsh environment. Between Icon and SH its largely personal preference, Icom probably have a bigger market share so you will find a few more reports of failures - but they have a pretty good aftersales record. SH stuff is highly regarded and seems to be pretty bullerproof.

On a very small rib console space can be an issue. Some of the slightly more expensive units will come with an option (at even more expense) to fit a "second station" mike - although that seems crazy on a tiny boat - it means you can hide the radio inside the console (away from thieves too!) and just have to find somewhere to hand a handset.

If you've got space for a whole radio then I'd just stick a SH GX1100 on there (which you'll get for less than £120 if you shop around).
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Old 13 October 2011, 19:37   #3
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I'd get a hand held VHF, I have a SH water proof one. I bought it for use on my SR4.
I kept it in my drysuit pocket so if I did end up in the drink I still had the VHF on me.
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Old 13 October 2011, 20:50   #4
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Might be worth considering the Standard Horizon HX851e, waterproof floating DSC handheld, with a waterproof fist mic. The charging base can be screwed down, has a 12v feed, and even has NMEA out for communicating to any other electronics you might have on board.

A neat package that gives you all the functionality you want, with the added benefit of being able to remove it for security. I've got two S/H DSC Handhelds, and they're great bits of kit.
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