Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew a reasonable marine electrics company (or freelancer) on the south coast (Portsmouth/Southampton area) that would be able to re-wire my 12V electrics (not including engine wiring)? I've searched the threads on here and also the directory, but most companies mentioned seem to have folded, or their links no longer work.
I approached Hamble Marine via their website and was quoted around £1000 for supplying and running new cable from the switch assembly to a plotter, compass, bilge pump, nav lights and anchor light!!!
Ironically I'm a communications engineer and could do it myself but just don't get the time as I work long hours, have two boys, four dogs and a rugby refereeing habit!

Any time I do get off I like to be out and about in the boat with the wife and kids, rather than laid in it on my drive.