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Old 20 May 2005, 21:12   #21
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Daniel
Is this true - once you've registered once and got an MMSI what makes you renew? Will it be reissued?
Yep, there is an 18 month cooling off period internationally (the UK allows 2 years) then the MMSI can be re-issued. Of course once the new system is in place it wont be such an issue as once a new style licence is issued it will remain valid indefinitely but changes to equipment and details of owner must be updated when they change.

Unfortunately, I can't say what progress has been made (except for the consultation has closed) as I no longer work for Ofcom. I was one of the wave of redundancies in March My original time-frame was 18 months to build, test and deliver a replacement system which will meet the international reporting rules and the MCA's needs. There is no reason to suspect that this will not still happen. Existing licencees will receive a notification at some point and existing licences will be issued without an expiry date when it's in place.

Gun for Hire
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Old 20 May 2005, 21:33   #22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Bilge Rat
Jon no one enforces licenses now! I go out regular with people who frequent this forum who don’t have a licence yet they operate VHF equipment from there boat, why should I bother to renew my registration each year if no one does anything about the unlicensed people ? yes I accept in a life or death emergency its better to have an un licensed radio than none at all, but people don’t use them for this, I regularly hear fishing reports from Joe scum and his mates if something’s biting over some wreck or chatter between people (including members of the forum) about god knows what and without using the correct radio phonetics...... it really pisses me off.

Ok that me done I’ll get off my soap box for now
I had my lack of a licence checked in Fowey 2 years ago,I had a licence but not for the boat I was in,the error of my ways was explained and I was sent on my way with an application form.The checkers were in a 5.4 searider and looked like a couple out for a days boating.
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Old 27 June 2005, 21:45   #23
Country: UK - England
Town: Swanmore nr Fareham
Boat name: Greyhound
Make: Ribtec
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Posts: 155
Radio Licence / VHF Course

Speaking as a newcomer to all this I'm suprised that the whole thing is so lax. Whilst I hate govt legislation of everything I think that a licence and a course should be compulsary, just like having a car. Licence to operate (driving licence) and tax disc (Ship/Portable licence) Only at £80+£20 for the course and £20 p.a. for the licence it's a lot cheaper. If it's not enforced then it'll all end up like CB radio used to be.

I have an interest in avaition and thought I new about radio etc, but the course was an eye opener. I am glad I took it. I may still not be 100% perfect but at least I'm not 10%.

At £100 one off + £20p.a. it's a very small price to pay for the safety that it offers. Considering the money we spend on the boat, engine etc etc etc

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