Hi Brian
I am guessing that your C-MAP NT cards might be "compact flash cards" (also common as a format for some digital cameras).
If that is the case C-MAP undoubtly don't manufacture the readers themselves so I would say that perhaps a good option would be to try and see if they fit a USB Compact flash card reader?
These aren't particulary expensive (Jessops - the chain of camera Shops sell one for about £25.00). Maybe if you speak nicely to the shop they will let you try it.
You may also need to upgrade the version of the PC-Planner software first so it supports using a USB reader (But I believe this is free to download from C-MAP's website to registered users).
A similar route (although probably a bit more expensive) would be availible if the cards are the full PCMCIA type.
P.S. - Sorry

, being a techie I am going to have to correct Graeme slightly:
Windows XP Home is a cut down, sorry- optimised (read limited networking) version of Windows XP Professional. Both these are derived from Windows 2000 and then before that Windows NT (i.e. Native 32 Bit)
Windows 95, 98 and then ME were descended from the Windows 3.1 line. (i.e. originally 16 Bit) ME was really just put out so that people with 95 + 98 didn't feel left out when Windows 2000 was released!
Right I can put away my anorak now